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I was busy most of the day. Either reading or listening to music. There wasn't much to do since there were servents everywhere and I didn't need to do anything.

I walked to the kitchen and found a little girl sitting on one of the stools by the counter.

"Bonjour ma tante" the girl said in a cute french accent.

"Où est ta maman ?" I asked her in french. Luckily my mom managed to teach me french since half of my blood was french.

"Elle est dehors. Je n'attends qu'elle" she said with a cute smile. I pinched her cheeks and she giggled.

"Oh,Camille,I told you not to bother anyone" I heard a lady saying. Apparently,that was her mom. I guess.

"She wasn't bothering me. Your daughter speaks amazing french" I told her.

The woman smiled at me and I knew that there wasn't any need for hostility. We chatted for a while and I learnt that her name is Rebelle and that she and her daughter ran away from an abusive husband.

I wish I could run away from life itself.

Rebelle and Camille left later in the evening and I was all alone again.
I looked at the clock and it read 11,yet he wasn't home.
Maybe he's busy. I slept on the cold wood floor and before I knew it,I drifted off to sleep.


I entered the room to find her asleep on the floor. There was a book beside her. I picked it up and looked at it for a while. I looked at her innocent face and noticed there was a scar just below her left ear.
I wanted to bend down and touch it but something was telling me not to.
I rinsed my body and slept on the warm bed. Completely disregarding the human sleeping below my bed.

It was later into the night but I couldn't sleep. I'm pretty sure it's midnight by now. I looked down at Claire and I smile a bit when I hear her calm breathing. That was enough to put me to sleep.


"Please,please!" I begged him to stop but he just kept going. My insides were raw and it hurt every time he pulled out. "Release Claire!" He commanded.
"No! I can't. I won't!" I screamed out. His speed increased and so did my screams. But he didn't stop.
"Ugh!" I heard him groan and I felt his warm liquid in me.


"NO!" I screamed and woke up. Elron was also startled because he woke up. "What the fuck was that?" He asked me in anger.
"No-nothing.. nothing" I said while shaking my head like a mad person.

"If it's nothing,shit the hell up and sleep"

"I'm....I'm sorry". I said while resting on the floor again.


"Can...can I have your phone number in case I..I need you while you're at work?" I asked him,my voice as soft as a whisper.


"Please" I say my eyes welling up in tears of fear.


He raised his hand and I flinched but I didn't feel anything.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked half angry.

"Nothing. Nothing..I'm sorry..don't hit me." I closed my eyes and shielded my face.

He held onto my jaw and looked at my left ear.

"How did you get this scar?" He asked me.

"I...I fell. When I was little" I lied.

He let go off my jaw and walked away without even giving me the number.


I sat in my car thinking of how she shielded her face when I just raised my hand.

What the fuck is wrong with that girl?

I drove off to work and only remembered I didn't give her me number when she asked for it.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath.

I was about to leave my office when she walked in.
I didn't want to deal with her right now but what could I do.

"Hii Ron." She said in her most coquettish voice.

"What do you want Zoey?"

Zoey had been my fiance a year when I found out she had been fucking people behind my back,I broke up with her. She never loved me. Maybe never would even if I have her the world. She was after my money and so after I left her,she got married to one billionaire from Italy.

"Don't you have a husband at home?" I asked accusingly.

"Got divorced last week" she answered calmly.

"Okay..and?" I asked without even looking at her.

"Well...I realised my mistake and I'm bac-"

I cut her off and said "I'm sorry to burst your bubble,Zoey,but I'm married and I have a wife waiting for me at home" I walked past her and left the office.

I drove home slightly angry at the fact that she had the guts to come back after selling her self for her proposal approval.

"We...welcome" I said without looking at his face. I was scared to look at his face when I heard how he slammed the door shut.
"Thanks. What's for dinner?" He asked me while taking off his tie.

"What?" He growled.

"I..I was about getting started..whe...just..just before you arrived" I said,still looking down.

"Look at me!" He commanded.

I kept looking down refusing to look at his blue eyes.

"Ah!" I screamed when he grabbed my jaw.

"You better get it done in twenty minutes or else,you're gonna wish you were still at your parents' house!" He said through clenched teeth. He let go of my jaw and went to the bedroom,leaving me alone in the parlour.


I placed the food in front of him and sat beside him.
I played with my nails trying to get him out of my mind.

"It's bland"

"Wha..what?" I asked him,my pupils dilating a bit.

"It's fucking bland!" He growled throwing the plate on the floor.

I flinch a bit before bending down to pick the shards only to feel my hand being pressed onto the broken glass.
I hissed in pain when I took my hand off and saw some of the pieces of glass sticking out.

"Clean this shit up and try not to kill me!" He said said while looking at me with a sadistic smile.
Tears well up in my eye but I wipe it before he can see me crying and walk to the kitchen with my bleeding hand.

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