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Dinner night is today and I'm beyond nervous. I chose to wear a red summer dress with black heels. I tied my hair in a bun and put on slightly noticeable makeup.

"You look great." I said to myself as I looked in the mirror. I twirled a bit and walked downstairs.

"Here mama." Lukas said and gave me a rose.
"Thank you baby." I smiled and pecked him on the cheek.

"It was my idea. What do I get?" Elron asked me with a smirk.

"You get a pay free job as our chauffeur for the evening." I answered with an equal smirk.

"Mama,do I look good?" Lukas asked me.

"Yes,baby,you look good."

He smiled and hugged me before hugging Elron.

"Aw,look at my two men." I smiled.

"We'll be late if we don't hurry." Elron said while looking at his watch. I walked out with Lukas and waited for Elron to come out.

"You'll meet most of my family members. And i must warn you,my dad's well,you'll see when we get there." He said playfully. I didn't know why but this sudden wave of nervousness washed over me. It seemed so rushed and I feared I would mess it up.

"You'll be fine. They don't bite. They're normal human beings with normal lives. Calm down."

I nodded and exhaled calmly.

They're normal. Just normal. Like him.

I smiled a bit and looked at the road. I didn't want Elron to know how nervous I was. What if they disapprove of me,since um...well the case.

"What course did you choose to major in?" Elron asked snapping me back to reality.

"I chose to major in English." I answered while nodding. I looked over to the passenger seat. Lukas was deeply engrossed in some cartoons he was watching on his tablet.

"Why did you pick that?" He asked, taking a right turn.

"I don't know, I like reading books and it'll expand my thinking and also,yeah,I like reading." I couldn't find the right words to describe why I wanted to major in English.

"Okay,at least we won't hear you nag for a while."

"I don't nag."

"You do. You nag when Lukas and I make a mess,or when we sleep late."

"I guess a nag a bit."

"You think?"

I looked away. The night sky was so beautiful and the way the moon sparkled reminded me of sea shells.

"We're here." Elron said and turned the engine off.

"Wow!" Lukas exclaimed when we got off. The house was huge. Even bigger than the one we lived in.

"Come on." Elron said and carried Lukas with one hand,holding me with the other.

"They're here!" I heard a feminine voice squeal.

I guess I'm not the only one excited.

"Welcome baby." The woman squealed while walking towards us. She seemed to be in her early forties.

To be honest,I didn't really know Elron's age. He knew mine yet I didn't know his.

"Thanks mom." He smiled and hugged her.

"You must be Claire, I'm Rechel, Elron's mom. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled and hugged me.
"Mama!" Lukas tapped my leg and extended his arms.

"Who is this cutie?" Rechel asked,bending to be at face level with Lukas.

Lukas shrank back and held my legs,shaking his head. "This is Lukas,my son....your grandchild." Elron answered with a proud smirk. I could see how happy he was.

"I have a grandchild?" A man asked while walking in. I knew at an instant that was his father,since we had already met.

"Yes,nice to see you again,dad." Elron said and shook his father's hand. The tension was soo thick it could be cut with a knife. I'm guessing he was a mummy's boy.

"Uncle Ron!" A little girl yelled excitedly and ran towards Elron.

"Hey,Ella!" He answered with a laugh. He carried the girl and spun her around before putting her down.

"Where's your momma?"

"She's gone out a bit. She said she'll be back in a bit."

I saw how quickly her attention shifted from her uncle to Lukas.

"Who is that?" She looked at me with her big eyes and asked.

"Your cousin." I smiled and pushed Lukas forward. I saw how reluctant he was and I was beginning to wonder if it was because he was the only child at home when Cammy wasn't around.

"No! No." He whined. I was growing annoyed but I tried to keep my cool.

"Maybe later." Ella shrugged and skipped away.


"How old is Lukas?" Rechel asked and took a bite out of her steak.

"A year and some months." Elron answered after taking a sip of his wine."

"And you chose to keep it from us?" His father asked with a straight face.

"There was a lot going on and I didn't find the right time."

"Really?" I didn't like the growing tension and I feared what might happen next.

"Miss,would you mind telling me your age." He asked,turning to me.

"I'm twenty,sir." I answered without looking at him.

"Are you a student?"


"And you have a child...with my son?" I didn't know where this was heading but I didn't like it.

"There isn't a need for this." Elron answered, clearly annoyed.

"Claire,I don't want you ruining any chances I have with future business partners because of your marriage with my son. I heard your father was arrested."

What was going on?

"I don't want you to be with my son again. No child of mine will be with a tainted and broken person like you!"

As he said this,I felt a wound being opened up. Something I tried to hide with smiles was being opened up. I feared if I didn't leave, I'd breakdown then and there.

"Can I be excused." I whispered and walked out,not caring if anyone heard me or not.

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