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"Cammy has been asking me some very interesting questions." I said and sipped my tea.

Rebelle brought her cup to her lips and gave me a confused look.
"Which questions?" She asked after taking a sip from her cup.

"She said you travelled to France to "handle some issues" I know it's not in my power to ask but may I know what is happening?" I asked with concern.

"Well if you must know,I travelled there because.... recently, Camille's father has been pestering me over the custody of the child." She answered and placed her cup down.

"Well I don't know how I'll help you since you're older than me. But all I can say is,do what's best for Camille." I smiled and reassured her.

"Thank you Madame." She responded. It was a bit weird to hear someone older than me call me "Madame".

"Just call me Claire." I said and placed my mug in the sink.

"I recently placed Lukas at a daycare centre."

"Really? So soon?" She answered clearly shocked. I nodded happily and said "It's best for all of us. I don't want to watch another cartoon or eat another granola bar for a while."
We all laughed at what I said.
It was nice to have a heart to heart conversation with a fellow female and for once,it's not about how someone hurt me or threatened me.

"When is baby number 2 dropping?" Rebelle asked with a smile. "I didn't really pay much thought to it. Maybe-"

"Maybe when she's done with her schooling." A male voice cut me off. Of course.

"Really?" Rebelle asked. We both nodded and she smiled and said "Well I hope it's soon. I hope the baby takes after you Claire."

"What about me?" Elron asked playfully.

"When the time comes, we'll find out." I said while walking out of the kitchen.


"What course do you intend on learning?" Elron asked me while feeding  Lukas.

"No! No apples!" Lukas said, throwing a tiny tantrum. It was cute and annoying at the same time.

"I was thinking..maybe applying for culinary school but you said my cooking is bland,so.....um...maybe accounting." I answered while washing the dishes in the sink.

"I never said anything of such sorts." He answered while wiping Lukas' mouth. I gave him an 'Are you sure?' look.

"Oh...that time. I'm deeply sorry." He apologized.

"It's nothing." I reassured him. I knew he didn't mean harm and I didn't want him to feel bad about anything.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him. "I forgive you. I already said that and I'll always assure you." I whispered into his chest.

"Mama!" Lukas called and hugged my leg. "Yes, darling?" I answered with a smile.

"Uppy" He said with extended arms. "Uppy?" I asked. "Uh huh." He nodded and whined.

I carried him and cradled him. "Lukas,mommy is not going to be here for a bit. Can I trust you to behave well?" I asked him even though I know he wouldn't understand.

"Mama!" He giggled. I looked at Elron who had a silly smile plastered on his face.

"Trust us, we're your 'guys'." He said playfully.

"I don't want you two messing up my kitchen while I'm gone." I warned him sternly.

"It's just the interview. You'll only be gone for a day. We can handle ourselves. Trust us. Trust me." Elron said while holding Lukas'hand.

"Okay..I guess." I answered although I didn't trust them entirely. "You'll be able to manage." I concluded.

"Yes..we can. And if you get home and there's any mess,you can...I'll sleep on the couch." He said in a daring manner.

"If you say so." I couldn't be bothered to fight him over it so I let it go. I had to prepare anyway. In a few days,I'll be having an interview with the Dean of Wellington College.


Hi,sorry for the short chapter,I promise I'll update soon enough and by that I mean I'll update with a longer chapter as well as additions of new characters.


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