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Her attitude has been weird towards me after the date. She didn't even want to hold my hand.
"You okay?" I asked her. She nodded and walked to the car.
"I want to sleep in the guest room today." She said while scrolling through her phone. "What?" I asked in disbelief. She looked at me and said "I'm getting a bit of a cold. Don't want to infect you and Lukas." She didn't even spare me a glance when she said this. I drove to the house in utter silence. I would occasionally spare glances at her but she still had her eyes on her phone.
"We're here." I said when I pulled up into the garage. She walked out of the car and held her clutch in one hand and phone in the other.

"Aunty Claire!" A tiny voice screamed when we entered the house. It was Camille. She giggled and hugged Claire. Claire smiled and said "Hey! It's been so long." Camille giggled even more and held onto her hand. I followed behind the two of them with a blank face.
We walked to the kitchen and found Rebelle playing with Lukas. He seemed happy. If only I could break the ice with his mom.

I was beyond livid. He knew this yet he didn't want to tell me.
"Aunty Claire!" Camille giggled. I smiled at her and said "What at is it, Camille?". She looked at me and said "Can I take Lukas home with me?! He's so cute!"
I laughed and so did her mother. "Maybe..when he's older." I smiled. She smiled and hugged me even tighter. I had totally disregarded the man that was behind us. He tried to hold my hand but I would brush his hand away.

"So tell me,Rebelle, how old is Camille?" I asked Rebelle. We were sitting beside the kitchen island with a cup of tea in our hand.
"She's five." She answered with a smile. I smiled back at her. "How old is Lukas?" She smiled "He's nine months" I answered.

"Mom!" Camille yelled from the living room. We walked to the living room,only to find her chasing Lukas.
"I'm hungry." She whined. Her mother groaned and said "Follow me,I'll pour a cup of milk for you."
I smiled at them and carried Lukas. Of late,Lukas has been very fussy and noisy. I think it's part of him growing up.

"......I don't know what I did." I gasped when I heard his voice. I thought he'd be asleep. I opened the door and walked into the bedroom. "I'll call you back." He said and cut the call.
I walked to the bed and picked a pillow and a blanket.
"Claire.." he called my name softly. "Claire.." he said again. I didn't want to mind him but before I knew it,I had turned to him.
"Claire,what did I do to you?" He asked. His voice thick with sadness. "You lied to me." I whispered.
"About what?" He asked.

"I saw the message."


"When you...went...to..to the washroom."

"Claire...I'm sorry."

"Don't talk to me."


I looked at him with teary eyes and all the anger I had held in me gushed out like a waterfall. He hugged me and whispered"I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you." I tried to stop the hug but I was too weak,annoyed and sad to do so.

First,my mother. Now this bomb?

"Are you still mad at me.?" He asked playfully. I nodded and said "Why didn't you want to tell me?" He looked at me and said "I didn't know his you'd take it." He looked into my eyes and a wave of vulnerability swept over me. I felt as if I was fully shown to him. He leaned inward and gently placed his lips on mine. I held his shirt collar when he held onto my waist. He carried me onto his laps and I locked my legs around his waist.

He broke the kiss and asked "Can I?" I shook my head and said "No,for making me cry,you'll suffer with your little brother tonight."
He huffed and got off the bed and walked to the bathroom.

At least she has forgiven me.

I opened the shower and turned it to the cold water.
I can't believe she would make my blood boil and just leave me like that. I would get her for that.
I got out of the shower about 20 minutes later.
"I'll get you for that." I told her before walking to the closet. I saw how she blushed when I came out wearing only sweatpants. She hid her face in the duvet and turned around.

I slid into the bed and hugged her waist. "I'll get you. I promise I will." I whispered into her ear. She giggled and closed her eyes.

A ring woke me up. I groaned and took my phone.


"You dumb fuck! You thought you could kill me?"


"Oh yes. I'm back, Yoshida. And I'm coming for Claire and Baby Lukas."

"You won't!"

"Wanna bet?"


That bastard was alive?

I was pacing in my study. Luckily,Claire had taken Lukas and Camille to the park,so I was alone in the house.

"Dylan! Did you get rid of that bastard's body?"

"What?, I left it for Liam to handle."

"Well guess what. That fucktard is still alive."

"No way!" He screamed over the phone.

"Get to the house in 30 minutes." I said and cut the call.

I had to find a way to protect Claire and my son from that son of a bitch.

But how?

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