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As the sun rose on the morning, the courtroom slowly came to life. People began to arrive, some entering through the large oak doors and taking their seats in the gallery. The attorneys headed for the prosecution and defense tables, my feet were repeatedly tapping the floor and my heart was racing.

"Calm down,be calm and all will be alright." Attorney Winston assured me.

I smiled at Elron who held my hand and said "Don't worry,he'll get what he deserves."

"Court rise!" The clerk announced. The attorneys as well as the jurors and the audience stood up and silently looked on as the judge entered the courtroom.

"Respectfully honour my Lord,the judge." He continued afterwhich the female judge bowed and took a seat in her dock. We all did the same and sat down.

I looked on anxiously as he picked up a case socket and read it.

"Case Number 113; The State of New South Wales verses Mr. Felix Dotson."

My father stood up and walked towards the dock on the left.

"Do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth,so help you God?" The police officer asked him.

"I swear...to tell the truth,the whole truth.....and nothing but the truth...So help me....God." He answered while looking at me. For once,I didn't feel any fear when I looked at him. Only pure,bred hatred and happiness to see him finally getting what he deserved.

His defending lawyer stood at his spot and said "Respectfully Your Honour, I am Attorney Magnus Richwell,the defence counsel for the first accused." After he said this,he sat down and an interpreter asked him which language he would speak.

"English." He answered.

The clerk took a dock sheet and read it out loud.

"First count: Kidnapping,contrary to Section 23 of Criminal and Other Offences Act."

"Second count: Murder,contrary to Section 123 of Criminal and Other Offences Act."

"Third count: Rape, contrary to Section 105 of Criminal and Other Offences Act. Guilty or Not Guilty?" The clerk asked.

"Not guilty." My father answered. My eyes widened and the hand on Elron's lap stiffened.
"Calm down." He whispered. I nodded and looked at the monster standing in the dock.

Attorney Winston stood up and read the facts of the case.
My heart was pounding when he read all the horrible things he did to me. I always thought it was normal when I was little,but when I grew older,I realised it wasn't normal. Normal to sleep with bruises. Normal to wake up with stitches and sleep with them torn through again.

Felix was sent back to his seat and the dock was left empty again.

"Claire Dotson." The clerk mentioned my name. I snapped back to reality and stood up. I looked back one more time before walking towards the dock.

"Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth,so help you God?" The officer asked.

"I do." I answered while nodding.

Attorney Winston walked forward and stood by the dock.

"How are you,miss?" He asked.

"I'm fine."

"Could you please tell the court,what you do for a living?"

"I am a student. Currently on school break."

"Do you know the accused person?"

"Yes... I do."

"Okay,on the 13th of March,2017,where were you."

"I was at home."

Attorney Winston nodded and paused a bit before continuing.

"Could you kindly tell us what happened on that day." He said gently.


It was a Saturday. No school that day. Yay! I was reading a book in my room when I heard a slight knock on my door. I opened it and saw my father standing in the hallway with a tray in his hand. The tray contained a bowl of oatmeal,a plate of toast and bacon as well as a glass of orange juice.

"Can I enter?" He smiled. I nodded and opened it wider. He walked in and placed the tray on my desk. "How are you this morning?" He asked gently. I nodded and said "I'm fine. Just a slight headache." I sat back on the bed and continued reading the book. He sat at the edge of the bed and placed his hand on my thigh. I looked him in confusion and shifted back. He shifted forward and pulled me to him.

"Calm down love,I won't hurt you." He sneered.
"Dad please stop!" I begged him. His hand crept under my shirt and squeezed my developing chest. I screamed painfully when he bit onto my chest. I felt a stinging pain on the part he bit and when he let it go,it was bleeding. "If you dare tell anyone..." He warned. He pushed me onto the bed and roughly pushed down my shorts.

He entered me and that was when I fainted.

"That is such a horrible thing to do." Attorney Winston consoled.

"Objection!" Attorney Magnus argued. "Overruled!" The judge said and banged her gavel.

"Was there anyone you told." He asked me.

"No,he made me swear. He said if I do,he'll kill me." I answered.

"No further questions." He said and walked to his seat. I left the dock and went to my seat. I clenched my jaw in order to prevent myself from crying.

"Mr. Dotson,what is your relationship with the accused?" Magnus asked my father.

"She's my daughter. Not biological but I nurses her and took care of her." He answered calmly.

"People of the court,do you hear this,my client had a platonic relationship with the accused. Tell me,Mr. Dotson,was there anytime..anytime at all you ever thought of touching her?"

"No,why would I? I saw her as my own child and I would never even venture to do that to her." He answered.

God please.

"Would you say,Miss Claire,is what I would say.... pretending?" He asked annoyingly.

"Objection,this is a breach."

"I'll allow it." The judge said.

"We'll go for a short recess." The judge said and banged her gavel.

I breathed and I didn't even know I was even holding my breath.

"We'll win this." Elron and Attorney Winston assured me calmly when we walked out of the courtroom.

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