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I looked at her frail figure on the bed. I could only imagine what they did to her.
Her face was swollen and her lip had scabs at its corners.

"Mama!" I heard Lukas'tiny voice. "Sorry,couldn't put him to sleep." Liyah said. She walked closer and stood by me.
"I can't believe that fucking bitch was in on it!"she said angrily.

I looked at her but didn't say anything.
"At least now she's safe." She concluded.
Lukas looked at me and smiled toothily. I looked at him and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Mr..Elron,I'm Dr. Rudolf Steiner. Nice to meet you." The doctor said when he walked in.
"Will she be okay?" Liyah asked him. "Well,from what is shown here,there is multiple fracture to the ribs as well as the chest. She broke her arm and so, we'll have to put it in a sling." The doctor said.
I looked at her and looked back at the doctor.

"Thank...thank you." I said hoarsely. The doctor nodded and walked away. Because of me,she had suffered so much. She had been abused and I couldn't protect her.
"She'll be alright." Liyah assured me.

"Aunty Claire,I wanna tell you what happened at school today. So this girl called Aver-"

Camille chattered happily. I smiled at her and said "Camille,I'm tired,tell me about Avery later okay?" She nodded and walked out of the ward with her backpack.
I rested my head on the pillow when I heard the door click open.
"Mama!" I heard a voice scream. I opened my eyes and saw Elron and Lukas. Lukas ran to my side and tried to climb the bed.
"How are you?" Elron asked me. "Could be better but I'm fine." I answered with a smile.
"Attorney Winston will be coming by later,are you sure you can answer the questions?" He asked me.
I nodded and said "I finally have a shot at justice.....thank you." with tears in my eyes.

"Mama?" Lukas called. "Hmm?" I answered.

"Hehehe!" He laughed. I smiled at him and looked at Elron.
He leaned closer and kissed me. He had deepened the kiss when I heard a voice

"Get a room!" Liam said. I giggled and smiled.
"You okay?" He asked. I nodded happily and said "Thanks for helping in my search."

"It was nothing."

"Thanks anyway."

I glared at Elron who had an exasperated expression on his face. I snickered and tried to hold back my laughter.

"Anyway,what's up with you little man?" Elron asked Lukas. Lukas looked at him and smiled.

"Dada!" He said happily and giggled.
Elron looked at me and was about to speak when Liam said "Hello,I'm still here?"

"Yes,and?" Elron asked. Liam rolled his eyes and said "You see how he behaves?" I smiled and nodded.

"I'll get you. When you're all better." Elron whispered in my ears afterwhich he winked at me.

"Okay,Miss Claire,tell me what was the relationship between you and the accused?" Attorney Winston asked me. I felt a sudden uneasiness when he mentioned father-I mean Felix's name.

"Um..he was...m-my father. But as time went on,he began to behave differently and that was when he became abusive."

"Was there..at any point in time that he sexually assaulted you? As in,if you're okay to share."

I nodded and said "There were several occasions,more than once. Often at times,he would hit me afterwards."

Attorney Winston took notes of everything I said. I was happy that I would finally get the justice my mom and I deserved.

This is for you mom.

"Are you okay?" Elron asked me. "Yeah,uh...just tired." I answered with a forced smile.
"Everything will be fine. You have me and Lukas as well as my siblings." He assured me.


"Now that you're okay,I was thinking of enrolling Lukas in a daycare centre. What do you think?"

"Um,I think it's okay. He'll learn to socialise and..yeah."

He drove us home and by the time we got there,it was lunchtime.
"Aunty Claire,come see what Lukas and I made." Cammy said happily. It was as if what happened never happened.
I was dragged inside and when I got there,I was welcomed with paint on the walls and what I assumed was glitter and glue.

"Shit!" Elron exclaimed. "Language!" I whispered.
"This....is..is..for you." Lukas said.
"Huh?" I exclaimed,so did Elron.

"My boy can talk!" He said as he carried Lukas and threw him in the air then caught him again.

"Attorney Winston will be here in a few minutes."

"But we just got home,and plus,look at this mess."

I said while pointing to the wall.

"Des paillettes partout, je ne peux pas le nettoyer en quelques minutes." I said while walking away.

"Aunty's angry." Cammy said sadly. "No she isn't. She's just...tired as all. She just got back from the hospital and she's tired." I said to reassure her.

"You hear that little man? Mamma's tired..so don't worry her."

The two children nodded and went back to playing.

"I guess it's time to scrub." I thought to myself and began cleaning the wall.

"Are you okay?" I ask when I entered the bedroom.

"Yeah....just tired. And angry. As well as frustrated."

"Is it because of the case?" She nodded.

"I'm still scared. Of what might happen. What if I flip out in the court room?" She was on the brink of tears. At this point,I didn't even know what I should do.

I hugged her and that was when she began crying.

"It's okay." I consoled.

"It's not okay. I'm still a child with a child. I'll be going to court in a few days. I'm just sick and tired." She whispered.
"I want it to stop. Please,just let it stop."

"Claire,look at me. It's all gonna be okay. He's gonna go to jail and get what he deserves." I try to assure her.


"I promise."

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