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I was scared out of my wits. Claire's face was pale and she was loosing blood. "Claire!,Claire!" I tapped her cheek when we got to the hospital.

The nurses rushed forward and placed her on a gurney. I wanted to follow her but they told me to stay back.

"I heard what happened. Dylan told me." Liyah said with concern. She was holding Lukas in her arms. I carried him and looked at his innocent face. He looked so much like Claire,with his green eyes and brown hair.

"She got shot. Worse case,his slit her mom's throat. She saw it,Liyah,she saw it!" I said with sadness. Liyah hugged me and said "She's a strong girl. She'll pull through." She smiled and went back to playing with Lukas.

It was midnight when the doctor completed the surgery. Liyah had taken Lukas home hours ago but I was still here.


My phone's ringtone irked me at this current moment. It was Dylan.


"Bad news brother,she's gone."

"What do you mean?"

"She's dead!"

My grip around the phone tightened and I stood rigid. Mom was dead? How would Claire take this. She was doing better and now this?



"Did you dispose off his body?"

"No,he wasn't dead. I left him there. The man suffered three shots in the chest,there's no way he'll survive."

"You moron!"

I yelled and cut the call. He just burnt the equipment used. Now I had to deal with mom's death and how I'll break it to Claire.
"It's okay to visit her now." A nurse said to me. I nodded and followed her to the was Claire was admitted at.
She looked paler than when I brought her in. Her brown hair was sprawled on the pillow and her lips were chapped. She was in an induced coma and even though she had closed her eyes,you could still see the sadness and fear in her eyes.

It had been a week since the surgery and she was beginning to respond to treatment. She was awake but her eyes seemed as if no one was in there. She looked empty and that saddened me.

"Claire." I called her. She flinched at first and then turned to look at me.
"Y-yeah?" She said with a hoarse voice.
"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded slowly before looking away again.

"How is she?" Liyah asked me.
"She's okay,I guess." I said with a shrug. "Where's Lukas?" I asked with concern. "He's with Dylan."
I frowned and said "You gotta stop tossing my son."
She smiled at me and told me he was in the lobby.

I walked to the lobby and found him sitting with my son with ladies surrounding him. I frowned and walked to him.
"Is this your brother?" I heard one lady ask. Dylan grinned and nodded.
I pulled him to the side,being careful not to drop the baby.

"She's messed up man." I said.

"Then he'll her." He said with a mischievous grin.

"Can you stop being nasty for at least a minute?"


"I want you to get a file from the hospital."

"On what?"

"A file on "Claire Dotson",21st February,2004."

He nodded and left. "My son?" I said and took Lukas from him.

My mom was gone? Dead? I wanted to believe it was a joke but I saw her die before my own eyes. I couldn't close my eyes. No,every time I did,I would see her bloody face and slit throat. Elron was trying his best to make me smile but I just wouldn't budge. I knew it wasn't his fault but I still didn't want to talk to him.

I was thinking to myself when the door opened and in walked Elron with Lukas in his arms.
"Hi.." He said while holding onto Lukas'tiny hand. I smiled slightly and said "Can I carry him?" He nodded and gave him to me.
Lukas smiled and gurgled in my arms. An unknown tear dropped and I found myself sobbing.

"Hey,hey, it's okay. It wasn't your fault." Elron said while hugging me.
"Yes it was!" He wanted to kill me. He did. And he finalized it by killing my mom. The only family I had!"

"Claire.." He called my name softly. "I'll make sure you get the justice you deserve. Trust me." He said while holding my hand. He wiped the tears that were falling and hugged me.

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