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Right now,I feel nervous and excited. Mostly nervous. My interview with Wellington College is today and I'm scared of failing.

"You look great." Elron said with a smile. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in black pants and a white button up shirt. My hair was tired in a bun and I looked younger than my age.

"Thank you,but I don't need compliments right now." I responded as I picked my phone and my bag. "But compliments will make you feel better about yourself." He answered,almost hurt.

"I know,I know but I'm in a rush. I have to be there by 10 and it's 8:30-"

"It's eight thirty,you have a hour and some minutes before your interview,stay a bit and plus, don't you think Lukas will be sad if he doesn't see you when he wakes up?" He said in a persuasive manner.

"Yes....but,I have to be there early. That's all." I told him and walked out of the bedroom.

"No goodbye kiss?"

"No,I'm in a hurry...Bye." I said and shut the door.


As I entered the Dean's office,I felt my heart beating faster than a drum.

What if I messed it up?

What if he asked me to leave?

I shrugged off all negative thought and plastered a smile on my face.

"Good morning,Sir." I greeted respectfully.

"Good morning,Miss Claire. I'm Dean Wesley. Please have a seat." The dean responded in a friendly voice.

As I sat down,all I could do was hope for the best.


"No,don't touch that!"

I didn't see how Claire managed to take care of this toddler and get all the house work done.

"Lukas,put that down!" So far,I had bumped my toe five times,gotten a few scratches and had totally lost track of the headaches.

"Run,Dadda,Run!" Lukas giggled. I was getting tired of running but I knew if I didn't,he would throw a huge conniption fit.

"I'm tired." I plopped down onto the couch and breathed repeatedly. I felt a tiny pat on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked,almost agitated.

"Hungry." Lukas answered while tapping his tummy.
I groaned and stood up. "Come on."

We walked to the kitchen and to be honest,I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Apple slices?"


"Orange pieces?"

"No. Cheese. Sandwich."


"Cheese sandwich."

He whined while holding my leg. I tried to shake him off but the child had the grip of well....a baby.

"Fine." I said and took some bread slices from its package.

By the time I was done with the sandwich,it was two in the afternoon. When was she getting home?

I placed the plate Infront of him and sat down.



"It's not sweet." He said with a smile, showcasing his teeth.

"What?! I will not stand on my feet and cook this,then have you say it's not sweet!"  I said and took the plate from him.

Right after I took the plate from him,the door opened and in walked Claire.

"Mama!" Lukas yelled happily and ran to her.

This child.

"Yes,baby." She carried him and hugged him.

"How was the interview?" I asked her. I was too exhausted to say anything else.

"It was okay." She answered without taking her eyes off Lukas.

"Did you qualify?" I asked. She didn't look at me again. I feel like the third party.

"No, I didn't." She answered sadly.

"I'm sorry." I said and extended my arms. She hugged me and mumbled something.

"I'm also sorry. I'm sorry you're gullible. I got in!" She squealed. This was the first time I had heard her squeal.

"Congratulations. You did good." I smiled.

"Thank you. I'm so happy." She smiled and hugged me again.

"Mama,cheese sandwich." Lukas said while holding up the cheese sandwich I made for him.

"Thank you." She smiled and took a bite out of it. She scrunched her face and said "Too bitter." She bent down and pecked Lukas on the forehead.
"Next time, you'll make all the food before you go out?" I tried to persuade her.

"Okay,bit next time,don't add pepper." She said and pecked my cheek.

"Oh my God! Are you blushing?" She teased and giggled.

"And what if I am?" I answered slightly embarrassed. She shrugged and walked into the closet.

"I'll start college in a few weeks. Are you fine with that?" She asked me. She seemed scared of what I'll say.

"Yes, I'm totally fine,only of you allow me to drop you off." I told her.

"Sure. I won't be staying in a dorm anyway." She shrugged and changed into a casual dress.

"You won't?"


"I don't like crowded places. You should know that." She answered accusingly.

"Sorry,sorry. If you don't want to stay,fine by me. More time for me anyway." I said and held her waist.

"Let me go,I'm hungry." She whined with a giggle.

"I'll eat." I teased.

"Eat what?"


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"The family dinner is in two days. What are you going to wear?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She answered.

"But I do know my little man will wear a suit." She answered and pulled Lukas' cheek softly.

"What about me?" I asked her.

"You sort yourself out. Bully." She whined.

"Sorry. Next time,I'll ask for your consent."

"Fine. Maybe I'll wear a red dress."

"You'll look beautiful in red." I complimented.


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