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"Oh Claire,what are you doing up so late?"

"I was waiting for you. You weren't running...were you.?"

"Oh baby,Momma will never leave you. Swear to it."

.... ________________________....

"Shut up!"

"Dadda please!"

"You're not my daughter."

"You're hurting.... hurting me."

"Well too...bad!"




"Joey,it hurts. Badly!"

"Calm down. Breathe."

"He'll kill me. Please help me. He'll kill me."

"I'll help you."


"Mom,please,let's get out of here."

"I wish we could my love."


"Shh...he's coming!"


"Claire....where's Claire?"

"Here I am Momma!"

"Don't ran off like that."

"Sorry Momma."


"Mom! Please,please wake up." I woke up gasping for air. Elron hurriedly rushed over to me and helped me up.
I was a sweaty mess.
"I saw her. Them. All of them." I said with shaky hands.

"Who?" He asked.

"My mom. Joey. Him."

He kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"It'll all be alright." He assured me.

I was grateful for Elron. Although we had a rocky start,I still am grateful for him. Through my breakdowns and all,he stayed. By me. Helped me. And I'm grateful for the child I have with him. Best mistake ever made.

"Please don't go."

"I won't. Swear to it."

That's what my mom would say.

"Want a glass of water?"

I nodded and he walked away to get it for me.

"Lukas is tuckered in. Long gone." He said with a chuckle.

"Thanks." I said when he handed me the glass of water. I took a sip and felt my nerves calm down a bit.

"If you're comfortable,we could go for dinner tonight?" Elron asked me softly.

"Sure." I smiled.


She was dressed in a short black dress that accentuated her curves. She had recently dyed her hair black and it flowed gorgeously down her back.
She never looked better.

"You look ravishing."

"So do you,my sweet." I teased. She smiled happily.

"Where are we eating at?"

"Le point du charmeur."

"Sounds exotique"

"Only the best for you."

Luckily, Rebelle was taking care of Lukas and Cammy for the night.

"Thanks." She smiled.

We got to the restaurant in a matter of minutes.
The restaurant was decorated with green leaves and flowers of different colours. I had already booked for the dinner so it wasn't difficult for us to find a private room.

"What would you like to order?" The waiter asked kindly.

"Fillet mignon with a side of roasted asparagus would be fine." I answer.

"I'll have the braised duck with fried rice. Thank you." Claire responded. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"It's so peaceful here."


"Away from all the glitter and paint and glue." She jokes.


I look into her eyes and instinctively hold her cheek. I lean in to kiss her and she kisses my back. The kiss intensifies when I pry open her mouth with my tongue.

"Mm." She moaned softly. I broke the kiss and smirked at her. I loved the way she blushed when I smirked.

"Later." I whisper when the waiter brings in our food.

The dinner was calm and serene. A few conversations about business and his she wanted to go back to school.
When we get home,Cammy and Lukas are asleep and so is Rebelle.

I guess we had the house to ourselves.

We didn't break the kiss even when we entered the bedroom. Her legs were locked around my waist and my hand was at her back. The straps of her dress hanged loosely and her cleavage was slightly exposed.
As our eyes met, the tension between us was palpable. My heart was racing and my stomach fluttered with butterflies as I took in her beautiful form. She was clad in a tight dress that showed off her curves, and her long, wavy hair tumbled down her back. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I took in her feminine allure. There was no denying the sexual tension between us, and it was driving me crazy. I wanted her, and I wanted her now.

As I looked at her, my heart was pounding and my mind was racing. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, taking in every curve and every line that made up her beautiful body. I wanted to touch her, to feel her skin against mine, and I knew she wanted the same thing.

I took a step closer and gently brushed my hand against her shoulder, and she shivered at my touch. I trailed my fingers down her arm, and I felt her breath quicken. I was getting closer, I knew, and I couldn't wait to taste her flesh.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She answered.

My body was trembling with desire as I looked at her. Every inch of her skin was so soft and delicate, and her scent was intoxicating. Her hair was a mess, but it only made her look more beautiful.

My eyes roamed across her body, taking in every curve and every inch of her perfect skin. I was filled with a feverish excitement, and I couldn't wait to have her.

I leaned in closer and our lips met in a passionate kiss. Our tongues tangled together, and our bodies pressed up against each other as our passion melted into one.
All of my senses were on edge, and I couldn't think straight. I wanted her, and she wanted me. Our passion was palpable, and I could hardly stand it.
I could hear our breathing and I could feel my heart pounding. This was just as I had imagined, and even better. I never wanted the night to end.

"Claire.." I called her name.

"Mm?" She moaned.

"Do you love me?"

She nodded and that was the fuel I needed. I thrusted slowly into her and she dug her nails into the skin at my back.
I took it slow with her the last time since it was her "first" time.

"Oh my God." She moaned when I began moving.
I began thrusting in and out of her and everytime I did so,I was gifted with moans and whimpers.

"I love you." She said while shaking and that was when I knew I hit her peak. I kept on thrusting amidst her convulsions and sweet whimpers.

I didn't even know the time we finished. I had been turned in so many positions and my mind had turned to mush.

"That was awesome." Elron whispered with a kiss before closing his eyes. I knew I wanted more but my body said otherwise.

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