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"Are we going to see mama?" Lukas asked while picking his nose.

"Yes,and get your hand out of there!" I said and slapped his hand away.

"I want to see mama...now." Lukas said. I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace.

The airport wasn't as full as it'll be on a regular day. It was a Monday,and guessing by the slight emptiness,people weren't planning to travel until Saturday.

I looked at the time of departure Chad sent to me. It read 8:30am. The time was currently 7:45.

"Are we there yet?" Lukas whined.

Why did I even add him? Of course,he wanted to see his "mama."

"No,we aren't. Be patient!" I half yelled. I was getting on my last nerve but I didn't want to be angry.

I looked around a bit and finally found her.

She was dressed in a black hoodie with white sweatpants and sneakers. And so was Joey.

What the hell?

Lukas let go off my hand ran towards her. I really need to teach the boy how to walk towards people.

I saw how she carried him and smiled.

"Shit!" I mumbled when Lukas pointed at me.

Claire walked briskly towards me with a expressionless face.

"Are you stalking me?" She asked while holding Lukas.

"No,I just wanted to come and wish you good luck." I said while scratching an imaginary itch at the back of my neck.

"What?" She asked. I swear,I could see a slight smile creeping on her lips.

"Yeah,I came to wish you luck. And also to give you this." I extended my right hand out and gave her a bouquet of daffodils.

"I remembered." I answered.


He remembered my favourite flowers.

I was tearing up slightly. Who was I kidding? I missed him and my anger had dissipated a long time ago.

"Thanks,it smells nice." I could feel the awkwardness that was brooding in our midst.

"Hey,Ron. Come to see your lady off?" Joey joked.

"I'll go get some coffee." I said and walked away with Lukas.


"So that's what happened?" Joey asked and sipped his coffee.

I nodded for the hundredth time.

"You messed up big time." Joey said. Did he think I didn't know that?

"You have to help me." I said,trying not to sound petty.

Joey practically rolled his eyes and said "She's on her way here. Make it count." And walked away.

I saw him telling he something and then she looked my way. I looked away although I didn't want to.

"Hey." I said,trying to sound calm.

"Hi. I was told you needed to talk?" She said as if she didn't know me.

I tried to hold her hand but she flinched and moved it.

"I want to say...I'm sorry." I wasn't really good with touchy feely stuff.

"I'm sorry for my actions and the harm I have caused. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I deeply regret my behavior and I promise to make amends. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

She looked at me with glazed eyes before saying "I appreciate your apology and I understand your remorse. While I accept your apology, I must be honest and say that I cannot be with you. It's important for both of us to move forward separately. I hope you can understand and respect my decision."

"What?" I asked.

"Elron,I'm really sorry,if you love me,please. Please forget about me. Forget you ever knew that girl named Claire. Forget everything we did,we shared. Please." She broke into sobs while saying it. She stood up to leave and that was when I held her wrist.

"Claire,please,don't do this. You know you're hurting yourself. Think about Lukas." I said trying to compose myself.

"I'm sorry. I really am. Please forgive me." She said and walked away.

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