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"Claire,I was thinking.." Elron said that evening.
"About what?" I asked with curiosity.
"Do you want...us to handle the case.. legally?" He asked while playing with my hair.
"Well at first I did,now I just want to focus on Lukas and let karma take its course. He'll get what he deserves" I answered. I didn't want anything to interfere with the inner piece I hadn't experienced in a long time.

"I'll be back." He said then kissed my cheek before leaving the bedroom. He returned with a small box in his hand.
"Here." He said with a smile. I opened it and was amazed by what I saw. It was a gold bracelet with our initials engraved on it.

"I got it for you to show what an amazing woman you are." He said.

"It's...it's beautiful. Thank you." I said happily after putting it on.

"Look Claire,I know that I've been an extremely terrible person and that it'll be difficult for you to forgive me or to even love me,but till you change your perception about me,I'll keep on trying to win your heart. I love you Claire Dotson. I love you." He said and drew his face closer to mine.

He captured my lips in a kiss. At first,I was shocked but after a few seconds,I kissed him back. His tongue grazed my lower lip and I opened my mouth. I felt his tongue dance with mine in my mouth as if he wanted to suck my being.

"Claire...I'm leavi-" My mom said but stopped midway when she saw us kissing. "I'm sorry..I'll come back." She said. "Well..you've ruined it now,so please stay." Elron replied with a chuckle. He seriously didn't have shame. I hit him in the shoulder after mom left the room.
He held my hand to his chest and said "You see what you've done." He smirked at me and I blushed. "Goodnight Claire." He said and pecked my lips.


"Claire,I want you to stay at home and take care of Lukas." I said to her when I was leaving for work.
She nodded and said playfully at the baby "Say bye-bye to dada." I kissed Lukas' head then I kissed her and left.

I was at work when I remembered something. I had to get something for Claire.



On my way home,what should I get you?

Ice cream. And chocolate.

This was one of the reason why I loved Claire. She liked the simple things. And I hoped our son would learn from her.

I went back to working when I heard some commotion from outside my office. I went out and saw Zoey fighting my assistant.

"...look honey,Ron is my friend and I want to see him. Is that too much?" She said.
I rolled my eyes and said "Let her in Reece."
"Yes sir." She nodded and went back to work. Zoey rolled her eyes and smiled coquettishly at me.
"Hi Ron." She said trying to pull me into a hug. If it wasn't for the fact that she was a lady,I would smacked the hell out of her.

"So,my offer still stands you know." She said.
"I'll have you know,Zoey,I have a five month old son so I'll be happy if you stop bothering me or I'll be forced to file a restraining order against you" I said and asks her to leave. She groaned and left my office.

It was night time when I received a phone call from a distressed Claire.

"He..he has kidnapped mom!"

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