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"Are you sure you can do this?" Elron asked me in a concerned manner. "Yeah." I nodded and smiled. I kept rubbing the side of my arms. "Is it cold in here?" I asked breathlessly.

"Breathe...breathe." Rebelle said when she walked in. I was shocked when I heard her voice. "You came?" I asked. "Oui,I wouldn't miss this for the world." She answered and hugged me.

"And besides,Cammy is an indefinite witness so....yeah,I had to be here."

"Guys,it's time. Let's go." Attorney Winston said and led us back into the courtroom.

I sat down and inhaled calmly. It seemed I had become more confident after I was questioned for the first time.

"Mr. Dotson,how are you?"

"I'm good actually,and you? He answered calmly.

"I'm good thanks for asking. Mr Dotson,what was your relationship with the deceased, Tristan Dotson?"

"He was my brother. My blood brother."

"Blood brother,okay,Mr. Felix,was there at any point in time....you ever laid your hand on him?"

"No,why would I hit my own brother?"

"Okay. What about the deceased,Anna Dupont?"

"She...she was my wife."

"On the day of her and kidnap and death,where were you?"

"I was at home." He lied.

"No further questions."

Attorney Richwell said and left the front of the court. Felix also stood up from the dock and went to his seat.

Winston walked to the front of the court and invited Cammy and Rebelle to the dock.

"Cammy,how are you?"

"I'm fine,what about you?" Cammy asked politely.

"I'm fine thank you. Cammy,do you know the man in the orange dress?"

"The bad mean man?"

"Yes,do you know him?"

"Yes,yes I do."

"Cammy,was there any time you saw this man?"

"Um...yes. He took Aunty Claire, Lukas and I to some dark house."

"Really?" Cammy nodded.

"Is Lukas your brother?"

"No,he's my friend."

"What did he do to you there?"

"He let a lady take us to this big room with candy and ice cream."

"Did you know this lady?"

"No,she was really mean to Aunty Claire....even kicked her with the mean man."



"No further questions."

I didn't even know what was happening anymore.

Talking. Answering. Talking. Answering.

My head was pounding and I couldn't breathe well.
All I hope is everything is rushed and either win or lose,I'll get peace... somehow.

"These are medical reports. Medical reports;medical reports of my client. People of the jury,some of the cases here are pretty gruesome. Broken bones,burns,cut,sprains,twists and dislocations. Could this be normal?"

"My client suffered years of mental torture,physical and social abuse. Often at times subjected to the most inhumane acts.
Multiple beatings,cuts,forced penetration as well as other unmentionable acts."

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