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It was over.

"I'll forgive you. But I won't forget you."

His words resounded in my head as I took my seat on the plane.

"Calm down." Joey said from the other seat. Sadly,we didn't seat together like I thought we would.

"What if I'm making a mistake?" I asked. My fingers were visibly shaking and I felt cold.

"No,you had to choose. It was either him or your sanity. And you chose your sanity. I totally understand." He smiled.

I had settled in when I felt pressure on the right side of my seat.

"Good morning." A male greeted. Apparently he was my seating partner.

"M-morning." I answered. I was in no mood to talk.

"I'm Josh." He continued. He had a thick British accent.

"Nice to meet you." I said and looked away.

I took my phone out and opened my gallery.

Most of the pictures on it was me,Elron and Lukas.

I needed to get rid of them.

No. I'll keep them.

"I'm Claire." I said after switching off the phone.

"That's a pretty name." Josh complemented.

"Thank you." I giggled.


"So what are you going to do in the UK?" Josh asked with a sincere look.

"I'm going to study. Psychology."

"Ah,that sounds nice."

"Yeah. Thanks."

"I'm going to visit my parents." He said even though I didn't ask.

I nodded and smiled. Trying to avoid the conversation.

I put on my neck pillow and looked around.

The plane had taken off. I was leaving this place. I might be back,but that would be in a long time.

Too many bad memories.


"She left?" Liyah asked,clearly saddened.

I nodded and combed my hair with my hand.

"She said she forgives me. Liyah,it's all my fault." I was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Calm down brother. It'll be okay. There's still hope. Since she has forgiven you,there's hope for the future." She smiled.


"I'm glad you're back to your senses." My father said and sipped his whiskey.

"I am. And I'm deeply sorry for hitting you. It was very disrespectful of me. And I'm really sorry." I apologised.

My father smiled at me and called a lady into his office.

She had red curly hair and little bits of freckles.

"This is Edelle. She'll be your new consort."

The girl had a slight blush and didn't even look at me. She kept her eyes on the ground throughout.


We had landed.


Such a beautiful place.

"Can I get your contact details so that we can keep in touch?" Josh asked with a slight blush.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'll see you..maybe?" He asked.


To be continued........

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