After shift

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Ness POV
*i headed upstairs and I sat down at my desk and Kim came out of the break room and sat down*
Kim:how did it go ?
Ness:great actually she wasn't scared
Kim:she's really brave !
Ness:yeah she is *smiles*
*we talked for another and then the team showed up*
Jay:where's Scarlett ?
Ness:she's gone with Jessica
Jay:she left her teddy bear at the park
Ness:well I'm heading over to Jessica's after shift with some clothes if you wanna join ?
Jay:yeah sure
*we all filled out our paperwork even tho it wasn't much and then sarge let us go cause it was kinda late and we weren't getting any cases so I got in my car and drove back to my apartment and I got a nice shower and changed into some more comfortable clothes*

*I put this outfit on and I brushed my hair into a ponytail and I headed out to my kitchen and made myself a sandwich cause I was hungry and then I sent jay a message saying what time he wanted me toPick him up*On text Ness:hey what time do you wa...

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*I put this outfit on and I brushed my hair into a ponytail and I headed out to my kitchen and made myself a sandwich cause I was hungry and then I sent jay a message saying what time he wanted me to
Pick him up*
On text
Ness:hey what time do you wanna be picked up ?
Jay:actually I'm picking you up and in 10 mins
Ness:oh ok :)
*I laid my phone down and I headed over to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and popped in a mint gum cause why not and I put on a pair of socks and sneakers and I headed back out and waited for him to pull up and he did after 15 mins*
Jay:hey !
Ness:hey ready ?
Jay:yeah do you have her address ?
Ness:who's Jessica's or Scarlett's ?
Jay:Jessica's ?
Ness:yeah ! Do you have Scarlett's ?
Jay:yup it's right here on my map
Ness:great !
*we drove over to Scarlett's house and we opened the door with the key we were given and we headed inside *
Ness:it smells like someone died in here
Jay:where is it coming from ?
Ness:idk but I'm gonna head upstairs and get her stuff
Jay:ok I'll be down here
*i headed upstairs to Scarlett's room and I grabbed her some Pajamas and outfits as well as a few pairs of shoes and hair accessories and a blanket and stuffed animal and a few things to remind her of home and I headed back downstairs*
Ness:jay ? Where are you !
Jay:in the kitchen ?
Ness:ok I see you
* I walk in the kitchen*
Jay:I found the smell
Ness:is that a rat ?
Jay:yeah someone was cooking a rat on the stove
Ness:gross ! Who would do that ?
Jay:these people apparently
*we headed out of the house and locked the door and we got in the truck and drove to Jessica's house and we went and knocked on the door*
Jessica:Vanessa , Jay ! Come on in
Ness:I got Scarlett's things
Jessica:she's in her bedroom the first door to the left
Ness:thanks !
*we headed up the stairs and i knocked on the door and I heard a faint come in*
Ness:hey Scarlett !
Scarlett:*looks up* Vanessa ! Jay ! I wanna show you my drawing *holds up the paper*
Ness:wow ! That's such a great job
Jay:your very talented
Scarlett:thanks !
Ness:I brought you some clothes and stuff from home
Scarlett:thank you nessa
Ness:your welcome
Jay:and I brought you this *holds out the stuffed bunny*
Scarlett:Annie ! You found her
Jay:you left her at the park this morning so I figured I would bring you it
Scarlett:thank you thank you thank you both !
Jay:your welcome sweetheart
Ness:yeah your welcome *smiles*
Scarlett:are you guys leaving now ?
Ness:we don't have to if you don't want us to ?
Scarlett:please stay a bit longer ! It would make me happy
Jay:anything for you !
*we sat down on her bed as she told us about all the new stuff on her bed and the drawings she did since she got here*
Scarlett:This one's for you jay ! *hands him a drawing of a sun and tree and him and her standing beside it
Jay:thanks Scarlett ! I love it so much
Scarlett:and this one is for you nessa
*we talked for a bit more and then we headed home jay dropped me off and I headed inside and got changed into Pajamas and I just couldn't help but post a picture of the drawing Scarlett gave me on insta*

*I put this outfit on and I brushed my hair into a ponytail and I headed out to my kitchen and made myself a sandwich cause I was hungry and then I sent jay a message saying what time he wanted me toPick him up*On text Ness:hey what time do you wa...

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Caption:I seriously have the best job in the world ! A girl I met today while doing patrol at a protest drew me this picture in her way of saying thank you ! These are the type of things that tell me I'm doing a great job ! 💗
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*after I posted the picture it was around 11pm so I headed to bed and I FaceTimed my friend from the FBI Katie*
On FaceTime
Katie:hey girl !
Ness:hey !
Katie:so how did your first day go ?
Ness:it was great !
Katie:what did you do?
Ness:well we went to patrol at a protest and a little girl ran into me I asked her name and it was Scarlett and she had bruises all over her face and she said that her father hit her so we arrested the prick and then I took Scarlett to the district and then I passed her off to child services but like she is the sweetest kid in the world !
Katie:is that the one who drew you the picture ?
Ness:yes !
Katie:does she have any other family ?
Ness:nope mom is out of the picture and dad is in jail
Katie:what else happened ?
Ness:not much
Katie:seems like a pretty low key day
Ness:yeah but sometimes you need a recovery day
Ness:what about you ? How was your day ?
Katie:oh we had a drug case we were going to go bust some guys warehouse and we were all suiting up but of course Sargent Blake chose his favourite members to do it so I spent my day in the office
Ness:typical Blake
Katie:yeah ! At least you got some action
Ness:yeah ! Well it's getting late so I better get to sleep
Katie:alright bye !
Ness:bye !
*I hung up and headed to sleep*

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