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Vanessa's POV
*well it's been a few days since I found out I was pregnant and the morning sickness was finally starting to hit so I took the day off but everyone else thought that I had the stomach bug so jay dropped Noah off at daycare so I was home all by myself which was perfect cause that means that I can go out and buy all the stuff that I need so I got out of bed at 10:45 am and made the bed and then I got dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair in a high ponytail and I did some mascara and that was about it for makeup then I headed out to the kitchen and made myself a fruit bowl since that was something I really wanted and I headed out the door ...

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*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair in a high ponytail and I did some mascara and that was about it for makeup then I headed out to the kitchen and made myself a fruit bowl since that was something I really wanted and I headed out the door at 12pm and I drove to my local mall to get all the things I needed and I then ran into one of my bestest friends Gabby Dawson at the mall so I quickly hid my bag and I put a shirt that I bought on top of the pregnancy announcement things And then I went up to her*
Ness:gabby ?
Ness:what are you doing out shopping today ?
Gabby:oh I'm picking up something for Eva's birthday
Ness:oh yeah that's coming up isn't
Gabby:next week ! What brings you out ?
Ness:well I woke up with a really bad headache so I took the day off but then I got bored so I decided to go shopping and maybe pick up a few things for Noah
Gabby:sounds like fun !
Ness:yeah it got really lonely in the house with jay and Noah out of the house !
Gabby:I'd say !
Ness:yeah ! I'm trying to convince him to get another dog but he thinks Ellie is enough
Gabby:I got your back on this one ! *laughs*
Ness:thank you ! *smiles*
Gabby:well I better get going ! I gotta be into work in about a half hour
Ness:yeah me to ! Nice seeing you tho
Gabby:yeah ! Stop into Mollys anytime
Ness:I've been meaning to stop in but being a mom kinda takes away your free time ! But as soon as I have some time I will I promise
Gabby:I look forward to it !
*we said goodbye and I decided to go up to the food court and I ordered a salad bowl from subway and I sat down and ate that while scrolling on instagram and then 2pm rolled around so I finished up at the mall and headed home and just as I got in the car jay texted me*
On the messages
Jay😘:hey love ! How are you feeling ?
Ness:a little bit better ! I decided to go for a drive to get some fresh air
Jay😘:ok well I'll be home in about a hour since Hank got something important to do
Ness:sounds good ! Stay safe
Jay😘:will do ! Love you
Ness:love you to
Read at 2:26pm
Back to reality
*I turned off my phone and drove home cause I had a hour to put together this surprise and I'm literally 30 mins away from home so I drove home and listens to Taylor Swift all the way cause why not !*
Back at the house
*as soon I arrived at the house I parked my car and grabbed my bag and headed into the bedroom where I was going to put together and have it laid ! So that's what I did and it turned out so cute !!*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair in a high ponytail and I did some mascara and that was about it for makeup then I headed out to the kitchen and made myself a fruit bowl since that was something I really wanted and I headed out the door ...

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*this is what it looked like ! I Made the shirt on my cricut machine and I took a pregnancy test and bought a pacifier and a new pair of baby boots and I laid it in a wooden box and I had that laid on the bed and I set up a camera to take some pictures and a video and I headed out to the living room and about 5 mins later he returned!*
Ness:hey babe ! *smiles*
Jay:hey beautiful!
Ness:is Noah still at daycare ?
Jay:yeah I'd figured I would come home and get a shower and then pick him up
Ness:well before you do that I wanna show you something
Jay:ok ? What is it ?
Ness:follow me !!
*I lead him into our bedroom and I opened the door and when he finally noticed it his mouth dropped and his eyes filled with tears*
Jay:are you serious??!
Ness:dead serious! *smiles*
Jay:Omg!!! Your pregnant
Ness:yeah !! Are you ready for round 2 *smiles*
Jay:more than anything!!
*we hugged and kissed for a bit and then he got in the shower and went to pick up Noah from daycare and when Noah got back we ate supper together as a family and after supper I headed over to med so that Natalie could get some ultrasound pictures cause we are taking our announcement pictures tomorrow and I'm so excited!! And after that we all went to bed !*

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