Family pictures

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Vanessa's POV
*we have been home with Lexi for almost 3 days now and today was the day that our amazing photographer Chantelle will be coming over to take our new family photos ! So I rolled out of bed nice and early and Lexi was still fast a sleep in her bassinette so I then went into the bathroom and got a shower before getting dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and then I heard Lexi crying so I picked her up and I gave her some milk before I got her changed into a adorable little one piece light pink outfit and then jay came out of the bathro...

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*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and then I heard Lexi crying so I picked her up and I gave her some milk before I got her changed into a adorable little one piece light pink outfit and then jay came out of the bathroom wearing jeans and a shirt so he took Lexi so I could go get Noah changed and get all the swaddles laid out*
A few hours later
*it was now 11:15 which means that Chantelle will be here any minute! Everyone was dressed and ready to go and we were all just waiting on her arrival and after a few short minutes she finally pulled up outside the house and came inside*
Chantelle:good morning Halstead's !
Jay:morning ! *smiles*
Chantelle:now where is this little munchkin to ?
Ness:*comes in the living room* here she is
Chantelle:Omg she's gorgeous!
Ness:she sure is !
Chantelle:now how about we get this show on the road
Ness:that sounds lovely
*chantelle starts taking the photos and we always have so much fun with her ! She's amazing with Noah and even with Lexi *
Chantelle:alright ! Can we get some siblings shots now ?
Ness:that sounds great !
*Chantelle takes some sibling shots and then some individual ones and they all turned out amazing !*
A few hours later
*it's been about 1 and half hours later and Chantelle finally finished taking the photos of our beautiful family she then left and we spent the rest of the day hanging out at home !*
3 hours later
*it was now 4:12 pm and I had just revived a email from Chantelle with the pictures she took this morning of our family ! So I decided to post them on instagram*

*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and then I heard Lexi crying so I picked her up and I gave her some milk before I got her changed into a adorable little one piece light pink outfit and then jay came out of the bathro...

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Caption:thank you so much Chantelle at @keepsakephotography for taking these beautiful photos of my family ! We had so much fun with you this morning and we love all the photos you took !!🤍 @Jay.Halstead
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@Kim.burgess:beautiful pictures !
^she takes amazing photos !!^
@Sylvie.Brett:Omg the photos are beautiful!! Such a amazing family 💗
^we love you so much Sylvie!!^
@Britney.millers:my beautiful sister and brother in law and my adorable niece and nephew !!
^we love you so much sissy !!^
@erin.Lindsay:my favourite family !!
^your our favourite E!!^
@Adam.ruzek:beautiful photos of a gorgeous fam !
^your to kind !!^
@Stella.kidd:such a beautiful family !!
@Maddie.smith:ahhh there so cute ness !!
^they are the best !!^
@Katie.Brielle:holy cow !! Your glowing sure!!
^i love you !!^

*after responding to some comments I then decided to change my profile picture*

*after responding to some comments I then decided to change my profile picture*

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Caption:my pride and joy ! 💗
Noah Alexander & Lexi jade @Jay.Halstead
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@Britney.millers:my sweeties ! 🤍🤍
^there the sweetest !!^
@Stella.kidd:gorgeous kiddos you two got there !!
^we are very lucky !!^
@Erin.Lindsay:Vanessa !! There absolutely gorgeous!!🫶🏻
^they sure are !! We are so blessed^
@Julie.kathrine:Vanessa ! You and jay have such beautiful children ! My great niece and nephew !! 🥰🥰 I can't wait to meet them !
^thank you aunt Julie !! I can't wait for them to meet you to !!💗^
@Jessica.hill:congratulations on the birth of your daughter !! Scarlett can't wait to hang out with Noah and meet baby Lexi !💗💗
^aww tell Scarlett that she can visit any time !! And we will most definitely have to plan something 🥰^
@Katie.Brielle:omg Vanessa !! I haven't been on social media for a while !! But you have 2 kids now ?!!!! Congratulations! There both beautiful ❤️❤️
^thanks Katie !! And yeah I do Noah is 4 and Lexi is 5 days old !! You should really plan a trip to Chicago to meet them !!^
@Maddie.smith:2 gorgeous kiddos you got there Ness !! I can't wait to see for my birthday next week !!
^omg I can not wait !! And thanks you 🤍🤍^
@Kelly.severide:one Handsome little guy you there and a real princess beside him ❤️
^they love there uncle Kelly!!^
@natalie.they are to cute !!
^i could squat them !!^
@Will.Halstead:there my handsome nephew and gorgeous niece !! I can't wait to come home and meet them !!
^yes !! Only 4 more days !!🥰🥰^
*after I responded to some comments I turned off my phone for the rest of the day and just hung out with my fam !!^

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