Will you be my????

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Ness POV
*it's been 5 months since me and jay have been engaged and the wedding is in 4 months and today is the day that I get to ask my best friends in the whole wide world to be my bridesmaids ! So I woke up at 9:30am and headed over to my local craft stores and I bought some stuff that I needed and everything else I had made by a local craft person in the area so I then headed home and saw jay in the living room*
Jay:there you are !
Ness:I went out to get some stuff from the craft store for my bridesmaids box's
Jay:are you doing that today ?
Ness:yup ! When are you doing yours ?
Jay:I was thinking tomorrow at the district since we have the day off today
Ness:good idea !
*I headed upstairs to spare room where I had the stuff I had ordered laid and I put together everything I needed and this is what it looked like*

Ness POV *it's been 5 months since me and jay have been engaged and the wedding is in 4 months and today is the day that I get to ask my best friends in the whole wide world to be my bridesmaids ! So I woke up at 9:30am and headed over to my local...

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These for Gabby, Kim, Sylvie , Stella, Erin and Natalie

These for Gabby, Kim, Sylvie , Stella, Erin and Natalie

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And this for my sister Britney

And this for sweet little Scarlett*I packed up all the boxes in my car with the help of jay and I decided to ask Scarlett first cause Jessica actually adopted Scarlett and her house is just down the road from mine so I stopped there first*At Jessi...

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And this for sweet little Scarlett
*I packed up all the boxes in my car with the help of jay and I decided to ask Scarlett first cause Jessica actually adopted Scarlett and her house is just down the road from mine so I stopped there first*
At Jessica's house
*once I arrived at Jessica's house I parked my car and grabbed the box and I knocked the door and Jessica opened it*
Jessica:Vanessa !! Come on in ! And congratulations on the engagement
Ness:thank you ! Is Scarlett here ?
Jessica:yeah she's in her room
Ness:I have something I wanna ask her
Jessica:yeah follow me
*i followed Jess up the stairs and when we got there I knocked on her door and she opened it and I was pulled into a big hug*
Scarlett:I'm so glad you came to visit me ness !!
Ness:me to Scarlett ! But I actually have something I wanna ask you
Scarlett:ok !
*we sat down on her bed and she opened the box and was a little confused*
Ness:do you know what a flower girl is ?
Ness:well you see me and jay are getting married in 4 months !
Scarlett:really !! That's really cool
Ness:yeah ! Well a flower girl is the girl that throws flower petals down on the isle to lead the way for the bride to come down
Scarlett:so you want me to be apart of your wedding ?!
Ness:yeah ! Do you want to ?
Scarlett:yeah !! That sounds like so much fun !!
Ness:I'm so glad your excited !!
Scarlett:when is the wedding ?
Ness:exactly 4 months from today
Scarlett:but that's so far away
Ness:not really ! Cause now is when we can do all the fun stuff like pick out your dress and shoes and stuff
Scarlett:that does sound like fun !
Ness:well I need to get going but i will be in touch about the dresses ok Scarlett ?
Scarlett:ok ness ! *smiles*
*i said goodbye to Jessica and Scarlett and I headed back to my car and drove to the district to ask Erin and Kim *
At the district
*when I arrived I parked my car and headed inside with 2 box's*
Trudy:thought you had the day off ness ?
Ness:I do but I have a delivery for Kim and Erin
Trudy:I see
*i walked upstairs and saw them all standing at there desk*
Erin:Ness? What are you doing here ?
Ness:well I have a gift for you and Kim
Kim:for us ? *she says as she comes out do the break room*
Ness:yeah open them up
*they opened the boxes and Erin started to cry and a big smile came on Kim's face*
Ness:so ?
Erin:of course ! I'll be your bridesmaid
Kim:yeah ! I would do anything for you !
*I hugged them individually and talked for a few minutes before they got a case so I headed back to my car and drove over to the firehouse*
At the firehouse
*yet again when I arrived I parked the car and brought in the boxes*
Matt:hey ness ! What can I do for you ?
Ness:I have a special something for gabby,Stella and Sylvie
Cruz:well they are in the bunk room
Ness:thanks !
*I headed into the bunk room and saw them on the beds*
Ness:hey girls !
Gabby:ness ! What are you doing here ?
Ness:I have a special something for you girls
Sylvie:Omg is this what I think it is ?
Ness:open it and find out!
*they opened there box's and there mouths dropped and then formed a smile*
Stella:Omg ness ! Of course I'll be a bridesmaid!
Sylvie:yeah ! Of course  !
Ness:gabby ?
Gabby:uh yeah ! I would never say no to this !
Ness:I'm so glad !
*I hugged them all and then I headed to my last destination of the day the hospital to give Natalie her gift and when I arrived I grabbed the box and headed inside*
Maggie:ness ? What can I do for you ?
Ness:I'm looking for Natalie
Maggie:*notices the box* ooh ! Are you asking her ?
Ness:yeah !
Maggie:well she's over there stood up
Ness:thanks !
*I headed over to her and stood beside her*
Ness:hey Natalie !
Natalie:omg hi ness ! Are you ok ?
Ness:yeah I have something for you ! *hands her the box*
*she opens the box and she pulls me into a hug*
Natalie:of course I'll be your bridesmaid Ness !
Ness:thanks you !
*I left the hospital and headed home and when I got there I sent a picture to my sister because she was in California and she responded with yes in all caps so today was a very successful day !*

And this for sweet little Scarlett*I packed up all the boxes in my car with the help of jay and I decided to ask Scarlett first cause Jessica actually adopted Scarlett and her house is just down the road from mine so I stopped there first*At Jessi...

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Caption:as we are getting closer to the big day ! Today was the day I asked my best friends and sister If they would be my bridesmaids, maid of honour and flower girl ! So big thanks to @Stella.kids @Erin.Lindsay @Kim.burgess @Sylvie.Brett @Natalie.manning and @gabby.Dawson for saying Yes to being my bridesmaids and @Brittney.miller for saying yes to being my maid of honour and last but not least Scarlett (@Jessica.hill) for saying yes to be my amazing flower girl ! I don't know what I would do without you girls !💗
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