Back to normal !

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Ness POV
*it's been about 4 months since I've been shot in the shoulder and me and jay have been going strong for 4 months in our relationship!! And everything is slowly going back to normal ! I was sound asleep in my bed when I heard my phone buzz so I looked at the clock and it red 3:24am great ! I looked at my phone and it was sarge so me and jay both got out of bed and the same time since he got the message to and I shoved on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and brushed my hair into a low ponytail and I put on my badge and gun and we ran to the truck and drove to the scene and we got out and met up with sarge*
Jay:what do we got?
Hank:a female DOA
Ness:details ?
Hank:Kylie Samson 32 mom of 1 and pregnant
Adam:oh jeez
Ness:what do you want us to do ?
Hank:well Adam and Kim I want you to go find any witnesses and talk to the neighbours If they wake up and ness and jay I want you to head back to the district and look through Pod footage to see if you can see anything and Kim and Erin go help Adam and Kim
Jay:copy that sarge !
*we got in jays truck and I was honestly kinda glad that we got pod duty's cause I am not in the mood to wake up people at 3:30 so once we arrived we parked the car and headed inside and surprisingly saw Trudy at her desk*
Ness:what are you doing here Trudy ?
Trudy:I can ask you the same thing!
Jay:well we got a female DOA , what about you
Trudy:couldn't sleep so figured I would come in and do a few things
Ness:we'll see ya around Trudy !
Trudy:yup !
*we headed upstairs to the bullpen and i brought up the security cameras while jay made coffee and brought it to me*
Jay:here ya go !
Ness:*takes the coffee and smiles* thanks !
Jay:now 23rd street right ?
Ness:yup !
Jay:what exactly are we looking for ?
Ness:not to sure honestly, just anything that seems out of the normal I guess
Jay:is There any cameras that point directly in that area
Ness:don't look like it ! Unless the neighbour have cameras but i doubt that
*we looked through all the footage and so far we're unsuccessful and then Trudy came upstairs*
Trudy:Halstead , millers I have a girl down here that said she whitenesses the incident of the women
Ness:yeah we will be down in a sec
Trudy:k she's in the spare office
Jay:thanks Trudy !
*we grabbed our pens and paper and headed downstairs and knocked on the door*
Ness:hi ! I'm detective Vanessa Millers and this is my partner Detective Jay Halstead !
?:hi I'm Annie Smith
Jay:so Annie we heard that you saw what happened with the women earlier on 23rd street
Annie:yeah ! She was my neighbour Kylie
Ness:Annie can you tell us what you saw ?
Annie:yeah ! So I went out To let my dog Mia out to  pee and I saw her get into a bright orange car I thought it was suspicious since none of her friends or family drove that type of car but I just figured it was someone she never had round before or something but the later I heard about the accident so I knew what was up
Jay:k Annie do you know the type of car ? Or licence plate? And what time would you say you saw this happen ?
Annie:it was a Subaru and I only saw the 1st 3 letters of the plate and it was JUP and it was around maybe 2:30-2:35am
Ness:that's very helpful Annie ! Is there anything else ?
Annie:sorry that all I saw
Jay:well thank you very much !
Annie:your welcome !!
*Annie left and me and jay headed upstairs and called sarge and we let him know about what Annie told us*
Ok the call
Hank:what's up ness ?
Ness:we got something
Hank:yeah ?
Ness:this girl ! The neighbour of Kylie came into the district just a few minutes ago and told us that a bright orange Subaru first 3 letters of the plate being JUP was picking up Kylie around 2:30 - 2:35 am
Hank:k did she know who was driving it?
Ness:she said she never saw that car Around before
Hank:k that was very helpful I'll let everyone know to keep a eye out
Ness:thanks !
*I hung up the phone and sat back down at the desk and Trudy came up again with a muffin in her hand as it was now 5am*
Trudy:figured you might be hungry
Jay:thanks Trudy !
Ness:do you have any patrol out ?
Trudy:yeah I got 4 cars out why ?
Ness:can you tell them to keep there eyes out for a bright orange Subaru with the first 3 letters of the plate being JUP
Trudy:yeah of course !
Ness:thanks so much !
Trudy no problem!
*me and jay continued looking through the pod footage and ate our muffin before I found something*
Ness:jay ! Look at this
Jay:*comes over* find it?
Ness:yeah ! I got the car pulling into the house at the beginning of 24th street the man got out of the car at 3:57am and haven' left since
Jay:I'll call sarge
*jay called sarge and he said he would take care of it so we stayed at the district until sarge called and said that they got the man to confess and he's in cuff and that we could go home so that's what we did ! And we put our Pajamas on and went straight to bed cause I was exhausted!*

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