Gender reveal

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Vanessa's POV
*well today is the day that we get to find out what baby #2 is going to be and I'm so excited!! I woke up ate 8:45 am and got a nice shower and btw I'm 4 months pregnant today ! We decided to wait a bit to have the gender reveal cause we were just so busy with taking care of a 1 year old and we are in the process of buying a house and jay is working and I'm on home rest because I'm not aloud to work while pregnant anyways I got out of the shower and got changed*

*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup and put on a pair of white high heels and I headed back out to the bedroom but now it was 9:30 am so jay was up and dressed*Jay:hey !Ness:was I taking to long ? *laughs a little*J...

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*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup and put on a pair of white high heels and I headed back out to the bedroom but now it was 9:30 am so jay was up and dressed*
Jay:hey !
Ness:was I taking to long ? *laughs a little*
Jay:maybe a little bit ! *laughs*
Ness:well it's all yours now !
*jay goes in the washroom and I go into Noah room and I saw him up and playing in his bed*
Ness:morning handsome!
Noah:mommy !
Ness:are you ready to get up and get dressed cause today is a very social day
Noah:what's Today mommy ?
Ness:we are going to find out if the baby in mommy's tummy is a boy or a girl !
Noah:really !
Ness:yeah ! So how about we get ready ?
Noah:ok !
*i picked out a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt for Noah and his cute little boots and I got him changed and then we headed downstairs where jay was sat down on the couch*
Noah:daddy !!
Jay:hey bud ! *smiles*
Noah:today we get to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl
Jay:I know ! Isn't that exciting
Noah:yeah it is ! *smiles*
Ness:well I'm going to go finish up making the sandwich's and then we got to drive over to Natalies and wills*
Jay:do you want me to start putting some of the things in the car ?
Ness:that would be great thanks !
Noah:can I help you to daddy !
Jay:of course you can!
*jay and Noah pack up the car and I finished making the sandwiches and then we got in the car at 10 am and we drove over to Natalie and wills*
At Natalie and wills
*once we arrived at Natalie and wills house Noah immediately went to go play with Owen and will helped jay bring in the things from the car and I went to the kitchen with Natalie*
Natalie:hey ! There you are *smiles*
Ness:hey ! Thanks for hosting this by the way ! I really appreciate it ! *smiles*
Natalie:oh it's not a big deal at all ! I would do this any day !
Ness:oh um I have some decorations in the car to bring in
Natalie:I'll go get those ! You relax you are the one pregnant after all
Ness:ok ok !
A little while later
*its now 10:56 am and everything looks perfect and people started showing up around 11 am so we greeted everyone and we all talked and hung out for the most of it and it was so much fun !! Noah played with Owen and McKayla and Ellie ! McKayla is Adam and Kim adopted daughter and Ellie is Kelly and Stella's daughter we just had a blast hanging out with everybody! I was inside for the most of it so I decided to go outside and talk to some more people and I so happened to see Kelly,Stella,Matt and Sylvie stood up by the side of the house*
Stella:there she is ! The women we have all been waiting to see ! *smiles* how are you ?
Ness:alright considering the fact that I'm 4 months pregnant and have a toddler !
Kelly:*laughs* and your husband! He can pass a child *smiles*
Ness:don't even get me started on him *laughs*
Stella:is Ellie with the kids inside ?
Ness:yeah her Owen ,Noah and McKayla are in the play room playing
Stella:oh good !
Matt:so are you excited to find out the gender!
Ness:I'm so excited!! I've been waiting to find out for like 3 months !
Sylvie:what do you think it is ?
Ness:i honestly have no idea
*I talk with them some more and then Natalie calls out saying that it's time to find out the gender so I got Noah and the kids and we headed outside . Noah wanted to stay over with the other kids so he never came up with me and jay but the two of us stood up in-front of the display and we counted down of 5 and when we got to one we looked behind us and saw pink confetti and streamers go up in the air and we all jumped up and down with joy and me and jay hugged eachother !*
Ness:it's a girl !!!
Jay:Omg ! We are having a daughter !!
*everyone was clapping and screaming in excitement and people started coming up and hugging us and then Noah ran up to us*
Noah:why is it pink ?
Jay:cause mommy is having a little girl !
Noah:really !! A girl !!
Ness:yeah ! Are you excited?
Noah:I'm so excited!!
Ness:I'm so glad !!
*we then went and talked to everyone for a bit before everyone headed home and once we arrived I posted the pics we took today on instagram*

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