Long day pt2

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Vanessa's POV
* I saw jay walk in after getting off of the phone so I went over to him*
Jay:anything ?
Ness:all of the good tests you need patient consent which Mya won't give them consent to anything ! But Nat did say that If the hospital got a note from the chief of police they could perform any tests that we need
Jay:do you think the Cheif would sign off on that ?
Ness:it's worth a shot
Jay:sarge said he wants us back to the district when ever we are done
Ness:you head back I'm going to stick around and make some phone calls
Jay:you got your phone on ?
Jay:ok call when your ready
Ness:will do !
*jay leaves the hospital and I step into a quiet area of the hospital and I call sarge*
Hank:Vanessa! What can I do for you ?
Ness:so I'm trying to get ahold of the Cheif of police who woujd I need to call for that ?
Hank:hold on can I ask why ?
Ness:so our girl won't give consent for anything! And If the hospital can get a note from the Cheif they can do any tests they wanna do on her
Hank:well In that case call headquarters and ask for Cheif Hawkins
Ness:k thanks sarge
*I hang up the phone and call headquarters*
?:this is Chicago Police department Headquarters how can I help ?
Ness:hi my name is Detevtive Vanessa Halstead from the 21st district I'm looking to get in touch with the Cheif for some help with our case
?:okay I'll transfer you over
*I get transferred*
?:hi this is chief Morgan Hawkins how can I help you ?
Ness:hi I'm Detevtive Vanessa Halstead with the 21st district intelligence! We are working a case and we have one girl in hospital who won't tell us anything about her or what happened and is refusing medical treatment that she needs is there any way we can get a medical note where they can run tests without consent?
Morgan:it's very possible but it will take some time is that alright ?
Morgan:alright I'll have one sent over to where ?
Ness:Chicago med
Morgan:okay ! Thanks for reaching out
Ness:thank you !
*I hung up the phone and I told Natalie the medical note was on its way over so I went back into
Myas room*
Mya:what do you want ??
Ness:I heard you've been refusing treatment ?
Mya:yeah! Cause there is nothing wrong with me !
Ness:and you won't tell us anything about you or what happened  ?
Mya:cause you guys are fucking Nosy ! I never did nothing and I'm most definitely not giving you guys my life story
Ness:well Mya ! This is your last chance to tell me what happened and about you willingly ! Cause either way we are going to find out !
Mya:and how ? You don't have my consent
Ness:well I hate to break it to you sweetheart but we have a note coming from the head of police to the hospital saying that we can run any tests medically,mentally and physically without your consent
Mya:WHAT? That's that's uh not fair !
Ness:so you can either tell me now with it coming out of your mouth and you filtering the things that we don't necessarily need to see about you or we can wait an hour and I can have your entire medical life and your life history with Everything and I mean everything!
Mya:god! Did they send me the meanest and strictest cop of them all !
Ness:*laughs* me Strict! Hunny you clearly don't know what strict is ! Cause I am not strict ! But if you wanna find out I can send you some strict detectives that will be 100% more mean and strict than I'm being right now
Mya:fine ! You wanna know about me so bad then let me tell you
Ness:go right ahead !
Mya:my name is Mya James I'm 19 years old and I've been in and out of foster homes my entire life
Mya:Hanna and Willow were my Friends that I met through the system but 3 years ago they both got adopted into loving happy family's and I was stuck all alone ! So that's why i did it
Ness:did what ? What are you trying to tell me ? *I say as my brain is spinning circles trying to figure out what she's trying to tell me*
Mya:you know what I'm saying Vanessa !
Ness:no  Mya ! You didn't kill then did you ?
Mya:I didn't do it personally but I sent someone to come kill them
Ness:you do realize what you just admitted to right ?
Mya:yes I realize ! And you would have seen my criminal record in an hour or so and then you would have just assumed it was me anyways and eventually found out
Ness:who was it ? Who did you send out to Jill them ?
Mya:now that's something I can't say !
Ness:Mya ! Your already in a lot of trouble legally ! But you will be in even more trouble if you don't tell me who killed then !
Mya:I'm sorry I can't do that
Ness:Mya! Right now you will have at most 3-5 years in prison but if you don't tell me you will 10+ maybe even death ! It would be so much easier for you and me if you just tell me
Ness:Davis ?
Mya:that's his last name but that's also who goes by
Ness:is he in a gang?
Mya:royal kings
Ness:I'll be right back
*I step outside and I call the team to let them know and they finally say that they found a address and the team goes to pick him up while I stay with Mya*
Nat:oh Vanessa !
Nat:the medical note came in what do you need me to do ?
Ness:I got all the information I need so do whatever tests you need to do to treat her medically
Nat:okay thanks
*I go and sit in the waiting room while Natalie does the tests and things she needs to do and once she is done she comes out to me*
Nat:she's clear and good to head out if your done talking to her
Ness:actually I need to put some cuffs on her
Nat:oh no
Ness:yeah unfortunately she's one of the 2 people we were looking for
Nat:well go do what you gotta do
*I head into the room and mya looks at me with tears in her eyes*
Mya:do you have to ?
Ness:unfortunately yes
Mya:can you wait until after we get out of the hospital?
Ness:I have rules that I need to follow
Mya:well just do it and have it over with please
Ness:ready ?
Mya:no but I don't have a choice
Ness:alright Mya James your under arrest for being a assistant Murderer of Two girls Hanna and Willow ! Anything you say from this point forward can and will be used against you in the court of law put your hands behind your back please
*she puts her hands behind her back and at this point is 4pm I bring her out to patrol who take her away and jay picks me up on his way home where I then make supper for the kids clean up the house and do all the laundry! And I never got to actually sit down and relax until 11pm tonight ! What a long exhausting day it was*

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