Hockey game

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Vanessa's POV
*today is a very jam packed day for the Halstead's ! Kaiden and Noah both have hockey games today Kaiden's is later tonight and Noah's is this morning ! And miss Lexi is on her last week of having her cast ! It's currently 7:30 am on a Saturday and we are all up the kids are eating breakfast and I'm upstairs getting dressed in my warm clothes for the stadium*

*i put this outfit on and I put my hair up in a high loose ish ponytail with some curls and then I headed downstairs and all the kids were done eating*Ness:alright can you all go get ready please Noah:I am ready mom Ness:well Kaiden and Lexi aren'...

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*i put this outfit on and I put my hair up in a high loose ish ponytail with some curls and then I headed downstairs and all the kids were done eating*
Ness:alright can you all go get ready please
Noah:I am ready mom
Ness:well Kaiden and Lexi aren't !
Lexi:but mom I can't get dressed by myself
Ness:we'll go pick out some warm clothes and I'll help you in a minute okay ? Same for you Kaiden go get dressed in some warm clothes
Kai:yes mom
*as the kids go upstairs I do the dishes and then I head upstairs to Lexi's room*

*i helped Lexi get changed into this and I braided her hair and then we headed downstairs and Kaiden was already down there waiting with Noah as jay was loading up the car with Noah's hockey bag and the blankets etc*Noah:momNess:yes buddy ?Noah:wh...

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*i helped Lexi get changed into this and I braided her hair and then we headed downstairs and Kaiden was already down there waiting with Noah as jay was loading up the car with Noah's hockey bag and the blankets etc*
Ness:yes buddy ?
Noah:what time does my game start ?
Ness:at 9 am
Noah:and what about Kaiden's ?
Ness:his isn't until 6 pm tonight
Noah:oh so we got a break in between
Ness:yes ! No go get your shoes on and go to the truck cause we gotta leave like now
Noah:I'm going I'm going
*all the kids head out to the truck and I make sure that we got everything and then I get in the front seat of the truck and we start the drive*
At the stadium
*when we arrive jay heads in first with Noah to make sure he got everything set up and to put his skates on for him and then he comes back out*
Lexi:where are we going ?
Jay:to get you and Kaiden some hot chocolate and me and mom some coffee cause it's freezing in there
Lexi:ooh yay!!
*when we got to the cafe we went through the drive through and ordered our drinks and after we got them we headed back to the stadium and headed inside to the cold*
Lexi:dad was right it is cold in here
Kai:suck it up Lexi it's not that bad
Jay:let's just go find somewhere to sit okay ?
*we looked around and found some bleachers where the people from our team was sitting*
Nina:good morning Halstead's ! *smiles*
Ness:morning Nina ! *smiles*
Nina:it's some cold here today *shivers*
Ness:oh yes ! We had to run and get some hot drinks before coming
Nina:good idea ! Does Kaiden play today ?
Ness:yes at 6
Nina:ah Logan plays at 3
Ness:oh nice !
We talked and then the game starts
*we cheered as the game went on and then at the end they were tied and Noah scored the winning goal which made us cheer so very loud and at the end of the game we went down and met Noah coming out of the dressing room*
Ness:nice job buddy !
Noah:did you see my winning goal ?
Jay:we sure did ! *smiles*
*I took a picture of him in-front of the back ground and then we headed home to warm up before coming back here later on*
At home
Noah:can I have Tyler over tomorrow?
Ness:I can't see why not !
Noah:thanks mom !
Ness:your welcome buddy !
*as the day went on I made some lunch which was some ramen noodles for the kids and a salad for me and jay had a pizza pocket and then we sat back and relaxed Lexi and I watched a movie which was tangled Noah played games with Tyler on FaceTime and Kaiden and jay were outside playing some soccer we were all just doing things that made us happy which is how it is most time as a family of 5!*
At 5pm
*its now 5pm and we just made it out of the McDonald's drive through where we got Kaiden his pre game meal and the kids and jay and I also got something and Kaiden ate his on the way to the stadium as he needs to go in and get ready but when we arrived he got out and headed in and the rest of us ate our McDonald's a little more relaxed and not rushed*
Inside the stadium
*once we finished our food we got our things and headed back inside the stadium and we sat down where the team was again and Lexi and I shared a blanket and Jay and Noah shared a blanket! And the game begins and there was some fights throughout the game which is normal for this age range and then. We were in the lead and we won 8-5 ! We all cheered and made some noise once again and then we headed out to meet him*
Jay:nice job buddy
Ness:how about we go out and get some dessert before we head home ?
Noah:yes please !
Jay:alright let's go
*I took a pic of Kaiden before we left and we went to the cafe picked up our dessert and we headed home and ate it together while watching a movie and I posted the pics from today*

 We were in the lead and we won 8-5 ! We all cheered and made some noise once again and then we headed out to meet him*Jay:nice job buddy Kai:thanks Ness:how about we go out and get some dessert before we head home ?Noah:yes please !Jay:alright le...

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Caption:what a Fabulous day of Hockey we had ! Noah had a game at 9 am this morning and with 2 mins left they were tied 6-6 and then Noah got the winning goal with only 10 seconds left ! Which he was so excited about ! And then Kaiden had his game at 6pm and they were head to head the entire time and our team ended up winning 8-5 which was also very exciting! And myself,jay and Lexi enjoyed our day being cheerleaders ! 🏒🥅
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@Kim.burgess:wow! Congratulations Noah and Kaiden on your win ! That's so awesome
@Kelly.severide:nice job Noah !! And congratulations to you and Kaiden on awesome games ! I'll have to come out and watch one of your game some day !
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