Lexi's 1st Halloween

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Vanessa's POV
*today is my sons favourite holiday besides Christmas and that is Halloween ! Lexi
Is now 11 months old and Noah is very excited to go trick or treating with his sister and cousin Owen as well as McKayla !! At around 9:30 am I had one very excited boy jumping on mine and jays bed*
Jay:woah woah ! Why are you so excited bud ?!
Noah:because it's Halloween !!
Jay:oh yeah ! I forgot it was the 31st
Noah:how can you forget Halloween daddy !! That's like the best holiday ever !!
Jay:I know I know !
Ness:Noah can you please stop jumping on the bed and lower your voice ! I don't want you wake up Lexi
Noah:I won't wake her up mommy I promise !
Ness:ok ! Well I'm going to go get in the shower so if Lexi starts to cry jay you need to get her ok ?!
Jay:yeah ness !
*I grabbed my robe and headed into my bathroom and got a nice shower and after I finished I got out of the shower and brushed my hair before getting ready*

Vanessa's POV *today is my sons favourite holiday besides Christmas and that is Halloween ! LexiIs now 11 months old and Noah is very excited to go trick or treating with his sister and cousin Owen as well as McKayla !! At around 9:30 am I had one...

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*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup and I then headed downstairs and saw jay and Noah in the kitchen making something and Lexi was in the play pin playing*
Ness:well good morning my treasures !
Noah:mommy ! Guess what me and daddy are making?
Ness:what are you making ?!
Noah:chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes !
Ness:that sounds cool !
Noah:yeah !
*I sat down on the couch when I got a notification and it was a message from Chantelle our photographer*
Chantelle:good morning Halstead's ! And happy Halloween ! Sorry for texting you so early but I found another photo I took of your family the other day that I never sent so here it is !!
*1 image*
Ness:thanks Chantelle !! And happy Halloween to your fam as-well ❤️
*I looked at the image and decided to update my profile photo once again*

*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup and I then headed downstairs and saw jay and Noah in the kitchen making something and Lexi was in the play pin playing*Ness:well good morning my treasures !Noah:mommy ! Guess wha...

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Caption:my favourites!! 🤍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 
photo credits:@Keepsakephotography !!
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*jay and Noah finished making the pancakes and yet again I had to take a photo and post it on Instagram cause it was to cute !*

*jay and Noah finished making the pancakes and yet again I had to take a photo and post it on Instagram cause it was to cute !*

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Caption:Noah and jay got up this morning and made some Halloween pancakes! 🎃I think it's safe to say that Halloween is Noah's favourite holiday 🤣 @Jay.Halstead
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*we sat down at the table and ate our delicious halloween pancakes and we took the rest of the morning laying out the costumes and getting the candy ready and putting up some last minute Halloween decorations!*
A few hours later
*it is now 3 pm and it's time to get the kids dressed for Halloween ! Noah has been waiting all morning to put on his costume and the time as finally come !*
Ness:Noah !! It's time to get your costume on !
Noah:I'm coming mommy ! *runs into his bedroom*
Ness:are you ready ?
Noah:yeah !! I'm so excited
Ness:well let's get you changed !!
*I get Noah changed into his Halloween costume and he then runs around the house ! And then it was lexis turn so I pick her and lay her on the change table and I get her changed into her cute Halloween costume !! Noah was a police officer and Lexi was a adorable donut ! We then went outside and took a cute picture for instagram*

Halstead Liked by 100 people Comments turned off *we sat down at the table and ate our delicious halloween pancakes and we took the rest of the morning laying out the costumes and getting the candy ready and putting up some last minute Halloween d...

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Caption:Happy Halloween from the
Halstead's !! 🎃👻 @Jay.Halstead
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@Britney.millers:they are the cutest!!
^they are so stinking cute !^
@Kim.burgess:happy Halloween !! We will see you all very soon !!🎃🎃
^we can't wait !!^
@Natalie.manning:i knows there not sweet !!Owen can't wait to go trick or treating with McKayla,Noah and Lexi !!
^Noah has been counting down the hours till you all arrive !! He's real excited!^
@Erin.Lindsay's:aren't they adorable !! You better stop by auntie Erin's house!!
^we will make sure to stop by !^
@hank.voight:the sweetest kiddos !! I'm looking forward to seeing them tonight!!
^its going to be so much fun !!^
@Adam.ruzek:does Noah wanna be a police officer when he grows up ??
^i think so ! 🤣^
@Kevin.Atwater:the cutest donut and the most handsome officer !!
^they have my entire heart ! And jay ofc^
@Stella.kidd:I can't wait till Ethan is old enough to go trick or treating !!
^hopefully next year !!^
*I posted the photo and responded to some comments and then we headed out trick or treating with the squad and had so much fun !! The kids went up to all the doors and knocked and said trick or treating and just had a blast with each other!! And even Lexi had fun ! And when we got back to the house the kids sorted and traded candy with eachother!! And over all it was a great Halloween and one for the books !!*

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