Celebration of life pt 2

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Vanessa's POV
*people clapped there hands as Brittany walked away from the microphone so now it was my turn and I already started crying*
Ness:i haven't even started speaking and I'm already crying *laughs softly and so did others in the room*
Alright so my father was one of the biggest role models I had in life ! I always looked up to him as he was the father figure of the home and he would always be there if I needed to speak to someone so when I heard that he passed it affected me really bad ! And not to mention the fact that I was 15 years old living at home alone with my mother who couldn't even get out of bed cause of how heartbroken she was !but that's when the 2nd father figure I had stepped into the picture ! Who so happens to be my Sargent Hank Voight ! Hank was extremely close with my father so he was around alot at the house but after my father died he told me that If things got hard to call him and he would help ! So after the first few weeks when I realized my mother wasn't getting any better I called him and he came and took me into his home where I then met my sister from another mister Erin !and she basically became my sister from that night forward ! She would stay up with me talking about my issues ! And we became practically inseparable! And I'm going to be brutally honest if it wasn't for Hank and Erin I have no idea If I would even still be alive right now ! Because they helped me so much in ways that I wasn't being helped in at home with my mother ! But the one thing they couldn't help me with was my guilt ! I felt so guilty leaving my mother at home alone when I knew she couldn't take care of her self and I couldn't help but think that my father would be disappointed in me for leaving her ! And it didn't matter how many times I tried to tell myself that I couldn't control how my mom was feeling cause I knew she was grieving in a different way then I was I could not get this feeling out of my body and to this day I still feel it because I know stuff now that I didn't then ! At about 5 months after my father died Hank told me that my mother had put our childhood home up for sale and that she was going to go somewhere else away from home for a bit to get her head wrapped around things and I just couldn't believe that all of the memories she had made over the 20 years of living there could just be thrown away in a matter of minutes! It broke me ! Knowing that the last place I saw my father was now going to be someone else's home that I will never be able to go back in ! It absolutely broke me ! But I could not do anything about it ! And I spent those next 5 years in hanks home suffering because of my fathers death and my mothers stupid decision! So that's when I decided to enroll in the police academy and that brought me into working in Hanks Voights intelligence unit ! Which then got me to a 4 year position working with the FBI in New York ! And then it brings me back here to my home surrounded by the people I love ! Thank you ! *I started to cry again remembering all the memories but when I looked behind me my sister was gone over with Kelly so I headed over to jay*
Jay:hey ! You did a great job
Ness:thanks ! It just hurts to remember all this
Jay:I completely understand ! *smiles*
*as I was talking to jay Hank stepped up on the floor where the mic was*
Hank:so as you know I was extremely close with the miller family ! So when I watched with my own eyes my best buddy get his brain shot out was absolutely horrifying! I know we lost a couple officers and friends because of this incident! And I was almost one of them but I knew I had to stay strong for Vanessa and Brittany and I now looking back on it I'm really glad I didn't leave ! So before we all get drunk I just wanna say the names of officers we lost that night Mike Brown , Todd Jackson , Lincoln Knox and Colin Day ! These 4 men were great
Cops so seeing them go was hard but we knew they had to go get the help they needed ! So I want to wish them a happy 10 year anniversary of retirement!
*hank steps down and I headed over to Stella at the bar to get another drink*
Stella:hey ! You ok ?
Ness:yeah ! *wipes away her tears*
Stella:this one's on me ! *smiles*
Ness:thank you but you didn't have to do that
Stella:I know but you deserve it !
*I get my beer and I head over to a table and I decided to post a picture on Instagram for my dad*

Vanessa's POV*people clapped there hands as Brittany walked away from the microphone so now it was my turn and I already started crying*Ness:i haven't even started speaking and I'm already crying *laughs softly and so did others in the room* Alrig...

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Caption:10 years ago today I lost one of my biggest role models in the line of duty and that person is my dad , I still can't get over the fact that I basically lost 2 of my parents 10 years ago today in 2013 ! I love you so much dad ! Until we meet again 🤍🕊️ @Britney.Millers
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*after I finished posting my post Kim and Erin came up to me*
Erin:hey ! How you doing ?
Ness:fine it just hurts to look back on all the great memories
Kim:listen you don't have to stay if you don't want to
Ness:I do ! My dad would want me to
Erin:yeah ! Also where's Brittany?
Ness:she's over catching up with Kelly
Kim:how does she know him ?
Ness:they dated for like 5months back in high-school
Kim:ohh that makes sence !
*I laughed with all the girls and I got to talk with lots of people that came out to celebrate my dad but when 11:30pm came around everyone started leaving and so did I I headed home and went straight to bed *

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