Gender reveal

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Ness POV
*well today is finally the day ! We get to find out if I'm having a baby girl or boy so I woke up at 8:45am to start getting myself ready so I can then help decorate my Back yard !*

*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and put on a pair of Black short heeled shoes and I did some makeup and I then walked out of the bathroom to see jay wearing dark blue jeans and a white polo shirt*Jay:don't you look nice !Ness:thanks ! No...

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*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and put on a pair of Black short heeled shoes and I did some makeup and I then walked out of the bathroom to see jay wearing dark blue jeans and a white polo shirt*
Jay:don't you look nice !
Ness:thanks ! Not to bad yourself *smiles*
Jay:you bump is getting big
Ness:yeah ! It's really starting to show now ! *smiles*
Jay:what do you need help with for decorating?
Ness:well Erin is coming at 9 to help and so is Hank but I'll let you know what I need done
Jay:very good !
*we headed downstairs to the kitchen and I started making some food when Erin and Hank walked in*
Erin:we are here !!
Ness:hey! Thanks for coming !
Hank:no problem ness ! *smiles*
Erin:look at your bump !
Ness:yeah ! It's really showing now ! *smiles*
Erin:that's so exciting
Ness:I know ! *smiles*
Hank:I cant wait to find out the gender !
Ness:me to ! I've been dreaming of this day since I was like 12 years old
Erin:I remember you telling me all about your future when you first moved in !
Ness:yeah ! I think I had like a book full of stuff for my future
Erin:yeah ! I wonder how similar it is
Ness:really tho ! *smiles*
Hank:what do you want us to do ?
Ness:well If you and jay could put up Those heavy decorations outside and put together the tables and stuff in that corner while me and Erin work on food and then we will do the final touches
Jay:sounds good
*the boys brought out the stuff that needed to get out together and that's what they did and me and Erin started making all the food which was sandwiches,fruit trays, chips and cookies well we made the sandwiches and just assembled the fruit tray and put the chips in a bowl and cookies on a plate and while we were doing that we talked and talked about all sort of things before all the food was done and then we went and decorated and around 10:30 everything was done ! And now we wait !*
Hank:so have you thought about any names ?
Ness:we mentioned a few but none that sticks
Erin:I really like the name Arabella for a girl and Leland for a boy
Ness:there nice names but It doesn't sit right you know
Erin:yeah !
Hank:picking names is the hardest part believe me !
Jay:oh I believe you alright !
*we talked some more and then people started showing up !*
Natalie:hello everyone!!
Ness:hey nat!
Natalie:I brought Owen I hope that's ok ?
Ness:Omg yes ! Adam ans Kim are brining Makayla so it all works out !
Natalie:oh good !
Ness:where is he?
Natalie:he's behind me with will
Ness:alright !
Will:hey ness !
Ness:hey ! Hi Owen
Owen:hi Vanessa !
Ness:you've gotten so big since I saw you last !
Owen:yeah I'm in grade 2 now
Ness:holy moly ! That's crazy
Natalie:isn't it ! I don't know where the time goes
*they all go inside and flutter around and then Matt,gabby and Kelly and Stella show up*
Kelly:we made it on time !
Jay:you sure did ! *smiles*
Stella:oh my god ! Look at your stomach
Ness:yeah ! I'm really showing now ! *laughs*
Gabby:oh my gosh !! There really growing in there
Ness:got that right ! Making mommy sick every time !
Matt:sounds like there already getting into trouble
Ness:yah! Hopefully that passes along when he comes out
Kelly:we will see about that *laughs*
*they all go inside and the men grab a beer and they all talk to people and then everyone else showed up and we had a great time talking ! And then the last people to arrive Kim,Adam and Makayla *
Ness:there you guys are ! I was getting a bit worried
Kim:sorry ! It just takes us a bit longer to get out and about now a days
Ness:I get it !
Makayla:hi auntie Nessa
Ness:hey Makayla ! You've gotten so big
Makayla:yeah I've grown 2 inches
Ness:yah ! *laughs*
Makayla:yup !
Ness:Owen is in the living room
Makayla:ok !
*we all headed inside and it seemed like everyone was having fun which made me very happy ! But than my sister showed up with the stuff for the reveal so I headed over to her*
Ness:there you are !
Brittney:yeah I had to grab these along the way
Ness:come in ! And go outside and set it up my dear
Brittany:oh I will !
*she goes outside and sets up the reveal and then she call's everyone out because it's time ! Brittany handed us a popper and we stood out in the grass while everyone else surrounded around us and Sylvie grabbed my phone to capture the moment and then the countdown started*

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Almost there

*we saw blue confetti go everywhere and me and jay hugged each other and gave each other a kiss while some people cried and others yelled and screened ! It's a moment I will never forget !!!*A few minutes later *we all headed inside and people cam...

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*we saw blue confetti go everywhere and me and jay hugged each other and gave each other a kiss while some people cried and others yelled and screened ! It's a moment I will never forget !!!*
A few minutes later
*we all headed inside and people came up to me*
Kelly:congratulations Ness! Maybe he will be a firefighter
Ness:or a police officer ?
Kelly:you never know !
Hank:congratulations Vanessa !! I'm so Excited to meet him
Ness:me to !
*I talked to everyone and we all spent the afternoon talking and just having fun but then 7pm came around and everyone headed home so I posted the pics from today on Instagram*

*we saw blue confetti go everywhere and me and jay hugged each other and gave each other a kiss while some people cried and others yelled and screened ! It's a moment I will never forget !!!*A few minutes later *we all headed inside and people cam...

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Caption:it's a boy ! I can't wait to meet you little guy ! Your loved by so many already !! 💙🥹 @Jay.Halstead
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