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Vanessa's POV
*I woke up at 4am cause it was pouring down rain outside and I just couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and ready and head into the district early since I do have some paperwork I could do so I rolled out of bed and got changed*

*I put this outfit on and I showed my hair in a high ponytail and I grabbed my rain coat from the closet and my shoes and then went over to the nightstand and I grabbed my gun and badge and I headed out the door at 4:30am and drove to the district...

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*I put this outfit on and I showed my hair in a high ponytail and I grabbed my rain coat from the closet and my shoes and then went over to the nightstand and I grabbed my gun and badge and I headed out the door at 4:30am and drove to the district*
10 mins later
*I finally arrived at the district so I parked my car and put up my hood and headed into the district*
Trudy:Vanessa ! What are you doing here so early ?
Ness:couldn't sleep ! *I say walking up the stairs*
*I head upstairs and I see Adam sat at his desk*
Adam:hey !
Ness:hi ! What are you doing here ? *I say as I'm putting my coat on the back of the chair*
Adam:I could ask you the same thing
Ness:well I couldn't sleep
Adam:same !
Ness:coffee ? *I say as I'm walking into the break room*
Adam:that would be nice thanks !
*I go into the break room and I brew a pot of coffee and I pour some in a cup for me and Adam and I head back out*
Adam:thanks ! *he says as he takes the coffee*
Ness:your welcome
*I sit down at my desk and I fill out some paperwork that I had to get done and soon enough 6:30am rolls around and people start showing up*
Hank:morning !
Adam:morning !
Ness:good morning ! *smiles*
Hank:oh millers can I speak to you for a second
Ness:yeah !
*I get out of my seat and I head into his office*
Ness:everything ok?
Hank:yeah ! It's just that your fathers been gone for 10 years now ! And people are wanting to throw him a celebration of life
Ness:ok !
Hank:are you ok with this ?
Ness:yeah of course !
Hank:alright ! I'll let Trudy know
*I left hanks office and I sat at my desk and eventually everyone was here and we were now waiting to get a case*
Hank:alright we have a problem
Adam:what's up ?
Hank:one of our police officers has gone missing
Jay:missing ?
Ness:how ?
Hank:officer Bryan Noble he's 32 years old and he went missing like 45 mins ago on duty
Jay:where's his partner ?
Hank:he's down at Bellevue park that's his last knows location so everyone suit up !
*we ran downstairs and got our vests on and we headed out to the park and we arrived within minutes*
Hank:alright jay and Ness I want you to go talk to his partner and we will all look around and see if anyone saw anything
Jay:copy that
*we headed over to where the partner was*
Jay:hi ! I'm detective jay Halstead and this is my partner Detective Vanessa Millers
?:hi ! I'm officer James smith
Ness:alright James can you tell us what happened ?
James:yeah ! We were sent out to patrol this area and I was driving and Bryan was in the passenger seat he then said to pull over cause he thinks he sees someone he knows so I pulled over and he got out of the car and headed down towards the water and I was looking at him the entire time but I turned my head to sip my coffee and when I looked around over he was gone
Jay:ok and did you go down and look for him ?
James:yes I looked everywhere and when I never saw him that's when I called it in
Ness:alright ! Do you know what the person Bryan saw looked like ?v
James:I never got a good look at him but he was wearing a blue sweater with some black jeans
Jay:alright ! That's a good start ! If you can think of anything else please let us know
James:will do !
*we head over to sarge who was stood by the tree looking around*
Sarge:Get anything good ?
Jay:yeah !
Sarge:hit me
Ness:well Bryan and James were on patrol here in the area but Bryan made James stop the car cause he thought he saw somebody he knew
Jay:so Bryan got out of the car and headed over James watching his every move but then James turned around to get a sip of his coffee and when he looked back up Bryan was gone
Sarge:alright I wanna know who this mysterious person is ! Do we have a description ?
Ness:yeah he was wearing a blue sweater and black jeans
Sarge:k head back to the district and see what you can find on the pods
Ness:copy that !
*we headed over to the truck and we drove back to the district and as soon as we got there we headed downstairs and we sat at the computer looking at pod footage*
Jay:so how have you been ?
Ness:good you ?
Jay:great thanks
Ness:your acting strange you ok ?
Jay:yeah ! I heard Trudy is throwing a celebration of life for your father
Ness:yeah ! I think it would be a great way to honour him
Jay:yeah it would be !
Ness:you know he's been gone for 10 years now but I still get flashbacks of when Hank came over and told us he was gone
Jay:yeah loosing a parent is not easy I lost my mom due to cancer
Ness:oh I'm so sorry jay
Jay:it's fine ! So I just wanted to let you know that I'm hear if you ever wanna talk
Ness:thanks ! I really appreciate it
Jay:yeah ! *smiles at me *
*we continue looking at pod footage and then the team comes downstairs*
Hank:get anything ?
Ness:yeah I just did ! I found this guy that fits the description walking on the road towards the park where Bryan gets missing I put his name through facial reck and it brings it back to a Johnson Hilton and the best part is the fact that he has a abandoned building in his name within 5 mins from where Bryan goes missing
Hank:alright nice work ! Now let's hit it
*we all get suited up and we got in our vehicles and we started the drive down but as soon as we got on Hilton's street we all went dark with our headlights and we parked the car and headed over towards sarge*
Hank:alright we all walk up in a single file ! And I want Adam and Kim to go around back incase anyone runs out and we will take the front ! And we enter on my count
*we all got our guns out in front of us and we walked up in single file and down low and hang radios 3,2,1 and we all bust in and we check all the rooms beside 1 and we can hear talking coming from inside*
Hank:alright ness wanna take this ? *whispers*
Ness:I'd love to ! *I whisper back*
*I make my way to the front of the line with my gun in front of me and I count down from 3 on my fingers and I barge in*
*Johnson drops his gun and gets Down on his knees and I get Bryan all untangled*
Ness:your alright now !
Bryan:thank you ! Thank you so much
Ness:just doing my job *smiles*
*I take Bryan by the arm and we walk downstairs and we get him in the Ambulance that we had waiting and we get Johnson in a patrol car and we all head back to the district and everyone heads out besides me since I was taking my sweet time but I finally left*
Trudy:oh ness ! I was waiting for you
Ness:what can I do for you ?
Trudy:I figured we would have the celebration for life in 2 days ? On the day that he died
Ness:yeah that's fine ! But where ?
Ness:k ! I'll be there *smiles* thanks for doing this !
Trudy:no problem sweetheart!
*I leave the district and I go home and I go straight to bed*

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