Night before a Vacay

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Vanessa's POV
*its currently 5:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 7 we get on a plane to go to Orlando Florida !! For a Disney trip and the kids are over the moon excited! So I am rushing around making sure everyone is packed*
Ness:Lexi !!
Lex:yeah mom ?
Ness:do you have your suitcase packed ?
Ness:k I'll be over in a minute to see what you packed ok ?
*I'm currently in Kaiden's room packing his suitcase while he is packing his carry on bag*
Kai:mommy can I bring this on the plane ?
Ness:what is it ?
Kai:it's my soldier toy
Ness:idk buddy it might get lost
*I finished packing Kaiden's bag so I then headed into Lexis room while jay was packing his own bag and checking Noah's*
Ness:are you all packed ?
Lex:yeah I have everything packed !
*I open her bag and I check to make sure she packed everything*
Ness:good job sis !
Lexi:what about my carry on bag ?
Ness:you can pack whatever you wanna pack and tonight I will Check those ok ?
Lexi:ok mommy !
*after i finished checking the suitcases I headed into my bedroom so I can finish packing my bag since I still had things to pack*
Jays POV
*I had just finished checking Noah's Suitcase for our Florida/Disney trip since we are leaving tomorrow morning I headed downstairs and I decided to order in some pizza cause I'm not in the mood to cook anything and I know that Vanessa isn't either so I picked up the phone and I ordered a pepperoni pizza to the house and it should get here in about 20 mins*
Vanessa's POV
*I've finally finished packing all of my things in my bag so I headed downstairs and saw jay had ordered in pizza so I called the kids down*
Ness:kids !! Supper !!
*within minutes the kids were running down the stairs*
Lexi:ooh pizza !!
Ness:take a slice and go sit down at the table please
*everyone got there slice and we ate around the table*
Noah:what time do we have to leave tomorrow?
Ness:our flight is at 7 and we have to be there for 6 so we have to be up around 5 and leave around 5:20 5:30 ish
Lexi:but that is so early !!
Jay:you could stay home if you want to sleep
Lexi:no thanks ! *smiles*
Kai:are we going to Disney tomorrow mommy ?
Ness:not tomorrow but the next day
Kai:oh ok
*once we all finished eating I took the Plates and put them in the dishwasher*
Ness:now I want you to bring down your carry on bag cause I have some things to add to them
All kids:ok
*the kids ran upstairs and came back down with there bags and kaiden brought his over to jay and there was a lot of toys in there*
Jay:Kaiden buddy you don't need all those toys in your bag
Kaiden:but there my favourites !
Ness:you can keep one ok ?
Kaiden:I choose buzz
Ness:alright can you bring the other ones upstairs'
Kaiden:ok mommy
*he brought the toys back upstairs to the playroom and then I added all of the little things into there carryon bags like a sketch book and coloring tools for Noah since he loves to draw and a activity book for Lexi and a colouring book for Kaiden and some tissues,wipes and stuff like that as well as there headphones for there I pads which I made sure were plugged in when I came home from work and now it was around 8:30 so it was Time for Kaiden to go get ready for bed and for quiet time to begin for Noah and Lexi*
Ness:Kaiden buddy ! It's time to go get ready for bed
Kai:ok mommy
*we go upstairs and the others go down with Jay to watch a movie and I go into Kaiden's room with him*
Ness:you only have a few options for pyjamas as the rest of them are packed in your bag but what ones do you want ?
Kai:the blue ones
Ness:ok can you get changed by yourself ?
Kai:yup !
*i let him get changed and then we went and brushed his teeth and then he picked out a book and I went and got changed into my pyjamas*

Vanessa's POV*its currently 5:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 7 we get on a plane to go to Orlando Florida !! For a Disney trip and the kids are over the moon excited! So I am rushing around making sure everyone is packed*Ness:Lexi !!Lex:yeah mom ?N...

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*I put these pyjamas on and I shoved my hair into a messy bun and I headed back into Kaiden's room and I read him a book and I laid down with him until he feel asleep which was around 9:10 and then I headed back downstairs to see jay and Kaiden watching the hockey game and Lexi was asleep on the couch*
Ness:how long has lex been sleeping ?
Jay:about 10 mins
Ness:should I wake her to bring her upstairs or let her sleep there
Noah:just wake her she hasn't been asleep long enough to get crooked
Jay:he does have a point
*I go over to her and I rub her back*
Ness:Lexi sweetie
Lexi:*rolls over and rubs her eyes*
Ness:let's head to bed ok?
Lexi:ok mommy
*we go up the stairs and she puts her pyjamas on and lays down in bed so I kiss her goodnight before closing her door and heading back downstairs and I join the boys on the couch*
Jay:tired ?
Jay:why don't you go to bed ?
Ness:cause I still have laundry to do that needs to get packed into my bag Tonight
Jay:well at least we get to Leave tomorrow!
Ness:I'm so ready !
Jay:wanna a beer ?
Ness:nah I'm good
Jay:more for me
Ness:Jay !
Jay:what ?!
Ness:I get up off the couch and I go to the laundry room and I bring up my basket of clean clothes and I fold everything and put it where it belongs and anything I wanted packed I put it in the suitcase and around 10pm I saw Noah come up the stairs*
Ness:night buddy
Noah:night mom
*and after he closes his door I decided to go to sleep myself cause I was exhausted!*

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