Story update !!

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Hey guys ! I had this story marked as complete for a while now but with how many people read this book I decided to continue it where the kids are a bit older now !

The new ages are
Noah is 15
Lexi is 13
Kaiden is 11

Noah has turned into a protective brother of his sister and younger brother and is a mini version of jay ! He plays football and enjoys watching his siblings get in trouble

Lexi is a sweetheart at times but she also gets into some trouble as she doesn't have a filter and speaks her mind ! She try's not to let anyone get under her skin like her mama but sometimes fails

Kaiden is a troublemaker always picking fights with his siblings and arguing with his parents and doing things just to tick them off . But any time where's he's not doing that he's good as the gold

 But any time where's he's not doing that he's good as the gold

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Noah ⬆️

Lexi ⬆️

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Lexi ⬆️

Kaiden ⬆️

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Kaiden ⬆️

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