Her arrival

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Vanessa's POV
*I've been in the hospital bed for almost 35 mins now and I was only now getting a message from hank saying that jay was out and on his way but for my luck he was 1 hour away from where I am so at this point I'm just praying that he gets here on time cause I would hate for him to miss the birth of his daughter and I need my husband on my side !*
Nat:hey ness ! How are you feeling ?
Ness:like I need my husband
Nat:well at least he's on his way
Ness:I guess so ! But I feel fine besides the contractions
Nat:how far apart are they ?
Ness:like 7 mins
Nat:k I'm going to be back in 5 mins to check on you cause your getting really close ok?!
Ness:sounds good !
*Natalie leaves and it's only me and Erin left in the room once again and all of a sudden the door flys open and there stands my handsome husband who looks absolutely exhausted*
Ness:you made it ! *smiles*
Jay:I wouldn't miss it for the world ! *smiles*
Ness:but I thought you were an hour away ? How did you get here so fast ?
Jay:don't worry bout it
Ness:jay!! Do not tell me you came here speeding and with your lights !
Ness:Omg !
Erin:you are going to get in serious trouble for doing that one day
Jay:but it was a emergency!
Erin:your secret is safe with me
Ness:same here ! But this is the last time ok ?
*we talked for a bit and then Erin left the room cause Natalie and the labour and delivery team came in and said that it was time ! It was officialy time for me to push out my 2nd child !*
A couple mins later
*after 15 mins of screaming and pain I finally heard the cries of my little baby girl ! And then I felt her get placed into my arms and I started crying myself the doctors had already cleaned her up and she looks gorgeous!*
Natalie:so what's her name ?
Ness:her name is Lexi jade Halstead
Natalie:aww I love that name !
Jay:it's a very special name to both of us !
Natalie:and why is that ?
Ness:well me and jay first met on a case at Lexington street and we got married on jays great grandmother jades birthday !
Jay:so we decided to combine the 2 memory's that mean the most to us !
Natalie:Omg that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard ! *smiles* and she's beautiful by the way !
Ness:she looks just like jay !
Natalie:sorry ness but she absolutely does !
Ness:better luck next time !
Jay:next time ?? Let's raise this one first
Ness:god yes ! I wanna actually go back to work for once !
Natalie:well I'll let you guys spend some time with her !
*natalie leaves and we decide to tell our friends and family that she has arrived so we posted a pic on instagram*

Vanessa's POV *I've been in the hospital bed for almost 35 mins now and I was only now getting a message from hank saying that jay was out and on his way but for my luck he was 1 hour away from where I am so at this point I'm just praying that he ...

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Caption:and just like that our family has increased by 2 little feet! 🥹🤍 Welcome to the world Lexi Jade Halstead! You may have caused me so much stress in the past few hours but I'm so incredibly glad that your finally here !! 💗 @Jay.Halstead
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@Kim.burgess:Omg ness ! She's absolutely beautiful!! Welcome to the world Lexi !💗
^shes real precious!!^
@Britney.millers:auntie can't wait to meet you Lexi !! Congratulations Halstead's !! 💗
^she can't wait to meet you !! She's a real good snuggle buddy 🥰^
@Erin.Lindsay:ahh Omg !! She's to stinking cute !! I could squat her ! Congratulations Halstead's on the birth of your precious daughter Lexi jade !!
^thanks Erin !! She's waiting to snuggle her auntie !!^
@Matt.Casey:congratulations Halstead's !! Noah asked when he can meet his little sister !
^tell him very soon !! And thank you for all you did today !! 🤍🤍^
@Stella.kidd:holy crap ! Congratulations Halstead's !! She's so adorable ! I didn't even realize you were gone into labour !
^haha she is real cute ! And it was kinda a real surprise when my water broke it all happened so fast !^
@Will.Halstead:Omg !! I wish I wasn't so far away today I would have loved to be there when she was born ! Congratulations Ness,Jay and Noah 🤍
^we all know that If you weren't 5 hours away that you would have been here supporting us !! Enjoy the rest of your seminar 🤣^
@April.sexton:congratulations!! She's gorgeous 💗
^she sure is !^
@Adam.ruzek:congratulations Halstead's ! She's absolutely beautiful 🫶🏻
^she can't wait to meet her uncle Adam^
@Kim.burgess:McKayla is over the moon that Vanessa had her baby girl ! She won't stop talking about it ! 🤣
^i love that so much !! There going to be best of fiends ! I can't wait for McKayla to meet her !🥰🥰^
*after I posted and responded to some of the comments on my Post I heard a knock on the door and in came Matt with anxious little Noah waiting to meet his little sister*
Noah:daddy !
Jay:hey buddy
Noah:where mommy ?
Jay:she's right in front of you on the bed
Noah:mommy !
Ness:hey bud ! Do you wanna meet your little sister ?
Noah:yeah I wanna meet Lexi
Ness:oh great ! You already know her name
Matt:taught him that on the way here
Ness:thank you Matt ! For doing this on such short notice
Matt:not a problem at all *smiles*
*we hang out as a little family of now 4 for a bit before Matt takes Noah home*

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