1 year anniversary!

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Ness POV
*well today me and jay have been dating for 1 whole year ! And it's honestly crazy ! But I woke up and looked over at him but he was sound asleep so I grabbed my phone off the charger and Made him a little 1 year anniversary post !*

Ness POV *well today me and jay have been dating for 1 whole year ! And it's honestly crazy ! But I woke up and looked over at him but he was sound asleep so I grabbed my phone off the charger and Made him a little 1 year anniversary post !*

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Caption:1 year ago today we made it official and I became the happiest women alive ! I love you so much jay ! And I can't believe we have been dating for a whole year ! We have been through many ups and many downs and we were there for each other every single time ! Love ya lots babe 😘 @Jay.Halstead
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@Kim.burgess:happy 1 year you love birds💗
^thank you Kim !!^
@Adam.ruzek:happy 1 year anniversary!! 🎉
^thank you Adam !!^
@Erin.Lindsay:1 year already !! Hope you both have a great day ❤️
^right ! And thank you so much Erin !!^
@Hank.voight:happy 1 year jay & Vanessa !
^thank you sarge !!^
@Brittney:happy 1 year sis and jay ! Have the best day ever!
^thank you sissy !!^
@Natalie.manning:happy 1 year !!
^thank you so much Natalie !!^
@will.Halstead:happy 1 year to my favourite couple !!
^thank you will !!^
@April.sexton:happy 1 year you two !
^thank you April !!^
@Kevin.Atwater:happy 1 year !!
^thank you !!^
@matt.Casey:happy 1 year you two ! Have the best day !
^thank you Matt !!^
@Gabby.Dawson:happy 1 year !! Sooner or later you'll have the ring ??!
^maybe ?! But thank you so much gabby !!^
@kelly.severide:happy 1 year jay & ness ! Enjoy your special day !
^thank you Kelly ! Means a million !^
@cindy.Hermann:happy 1 year! Hope it's one to remember ! 💗
^thanks Cindy ! And I'm sure it will be ❤️^
*after I posted and responded to some comments jay woke up *
Ness:well good morning !
Jay:morning beautiful! *kisses me*
Ness:*kisses back* happy 1 year !
Jay:yeah ! Can't believe it's been a year !
Ness:me to ! It's been a eventful one
Jay:you can say that again !
Ness:well I'm going to get up and get ready !
Jay:k well I'm going to cook a special breakfast!
Ness:I look forward to it !
*we both get out of the bed and I head into my closet and get ready for the day*

Hermann:happy 1 year! Hope it's one to remember ! 💗^thanks Cindy ! And I'm sure it will be ❤️^*after I posted and responded to some comments jay woke up *Ness:well good morning ! Jay:morning beautiful! *kisses me*Ness:*kisses back* happy 1 year !...

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*I put this dress on cause it was really hot here in Chicago today ! And I curled my hair and did some makeup before heading downstairs and seeing the most beautiful breakfast on the table with mu handsome boyfriend in-front of it ! So I took a picture and posted it on Instagram*

*I put this dress on cause it was really hot here in Chicago today ! And I curled my hair and did some makeup before heading downstairs and seeing the most beautiful breakfast on the table with mu handsome boyfriend in-front of it ! So I took a pi...

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Caption:what a great way to start off our 1 year Anniversary!! 😍 @Jay.Halstead
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Ness:jay ! This looks amazing
Jay:it better be ! *smiles*
*we sat down and ate our breakfast together and caught up on some things we needed to do !*
Jay:so ! I'm taking you out for supper tonight!
Ness:really !! Where ?
Jay:the beach cafe
Ness:aw jay ! That's my favourite spot
Jay:I know that's why I am taking you there !!
Ness:I love you so much !!
Jay:I love you to ! *smiles*
*we finished our breakfast and then I got a call from gabby asking if I could run by the firehouse for a few*
Ness:is it ok if I go to the firehouse for a bit ? Gabby just asked me to come over there
Jay:yeah yeah ! Go ahead! I have a couple of things I need to do anyways
Ness:k well thank you so much for cooking it was delicious! And I'll see you later !
Jay:yeah ! Have fun
Ness:will do !
*I put on my shoes and got in my car and drove to the firehouse and once I arrived I parked my car and headed inside*
Gabby:hey !
Ness:what can I do for you ?
Gabby:we need some help
Ness:with what ?
Gabby:come in here
*i followed gabby into the locker room and Matt was there to so I sat down with them*
Ness:everything ok ?
Gabby:yeah it's just that one of my good friends from high school has gone missing last week and i haven't heard anything from the police
Ness:why didn't you call Trudy or sarge ?
Gabby:cause I figured I would have a better chance with you then then
Ness:well I can call someone ! What's her name ?
Gabby:Bridget Manual
Ness:k give me a second
*I call one of the officers in the missing persons unit and he told me everything that happened *
Ness:well she has been found in Miami Florida but was caught with drugs in her purse and is now facing jail time for 2 years
Gabby:are you serious !
Ness:I'm really sorry gabby ! But at least she is found safe and sound
Gabby:yeah !
Matt:thank you ness for coming out here
Ness:it's no problem!
*as I was about to leave I get a message from jay*
On the message
Jay😘: hey ! I'm headed out for a bit so I won't be home until supper ! So meet you at the cafe for 5:30?
Ness:yeah I'll meet you there !
Jay😘:k see you soon love ❤️
Ness:see you soon ! 💗
Back in reality
Ness:do you mind if I stick around for a bit ?
Matt:not at all ! Is everything ok tho ?
Ness:yeah ! I just have some time to kill
Gabby:what's going on ?
Ness:jay is taking me out to supper at the beach cafe at 5:30 and he just sent me a message saying he is gone out for a bit and to just meet him at the cafe !
Gabby:Omg ! Can I help you get ready !!
Ness:yeah ! But it's only 11:30 ! So we got plenty of time
Gabby:well come on ! Let's go kill some time
*I went out of the locker room with gabby and we sat at the table and played a couple games of cards and stuff to kill time*

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