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And others

The bustling of winds blew by as fresh washed laundry flew with it, a Girl around the age of 16 was putting up the sheets humming as then a little boy ran towards her giggling

The boy called out

"Hm? What it is Yuu?"
Tsutako asked as she stopped doing the laundry then turned to face her lil brother and bent down with a smile plastered on

"Can we go out and maybe go to the festival!!"
Giyuu asked

"Sure Yuu-"
The tall long braided haired girl was cut off

Giyuu said excitingly and ran out

The older tomioka said as she stood up and tried to catch up to her remaining family member panicking as there have been cases and rumors of children either disappearing or getting killed

Back to giyuu

Giyuu chuckled as he walk -Giyuu's house was a bit far from the town, took 5 mins to get there and the path leading to the town was a bit narrow due to the trees which made the scenery both exciting yet.. intimidating

Giyuu was walking down the path when he looks to the left and saw a man trying to force himself on a little girl who looked 1 year younger than him(giyuu is 6 years old)

It annoyed Giyuu watching the man do whatever he wanted despite the girl protesting

"Hey stop!She doesn't seem to like it!!"
Giyuu said as he looked at the man fisting his fist with a pout

"Mind your own business kid"
The man said as he tried to continue trying the slid off the girls kimono , this only angered Giyuu more

"I said stop!! She doesn't like it!!"
Giyuu said as he ran and pushed the man causing the man to fall and the girl to escaped not thinking about the person who saved her but only herself

"Ugh..!!Why u lil prick!!"
The man said angrily as he grabbed giyuu's hand and pinned giyuu down

Giyuu cried after he collided with the ground and some rocks

"Shut up,Hmm since u made her run away you'll replace her~
The ugly musty crusty man said as his throat soring nose killing mouth odor that reaked with also alcohol

"No!, S-stop! Please! Please!!"
Giyuu cried out as the man began to undress giyuu grinning at the young's beautiful porcelain skin

Giyuu was cut off by a cloth getting shoved in his mouth as tee continuation of the words he was about to yell was muffled

"Quiet Will u?"
The man said

"U look so delicious to devour,..I can't wait to ruin u~"
The man said as he grinning like a maniac, this made Giyuu shiver in fear praying that God would spare him but sadly, no one was there

Almost half an hour later

Giyuu was enduring the pain , his eyes to tears fells at this point, the raven was tired on the verge to pass out of exhaustion

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now