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Giyuu wanted to sleep early with sanemi as the night's breeze was perfect for a good sleep...But uzui thought it would be better if they'd had fun and drink...

Sanemi Obanai Mitsuri Shinobu And rengoku screamed couragingly to Uzui as he(uzui) chugged down his 3rd bottle in one go

The drunks screamed

Oh Lord spare my eardrum...
Giyuu thought as he turn to leave

*Hic*Oi WhEr u Guen?
Sanemi said drunkily

Oh nemi I'm going to be-
Giyuu was cut off by a kiss then it broke

Ar u- *hic* a lulepup?
Sanemi said

Cuaz I wan-a suk and likya erbry-wer
Sanemi continued

Giyuu yelled as he turned red

I cen mak u come
Sanemi grinned

Giyuu questioned

Sanemi didn't answered but kissed Giyuu then proceeded to pick him up and run to there room kicking the door open

Mmnh!! *Pant* Ne-
Giyuu panted and was about to talk but was cut off by again another kiss
But this one was rough and sloppy

Giyuu panted as the kiss broke, Sanemi then attacked giyuu's neck and shoulder leaving bite marks and hickeys

Ha-hei! Ah!
Giyuu yelp in surprised as sanemi bit him and it bleed

Giyuu yelp again as sanemi sucked the bite mark and licked the blood

Sanemi held to fingers close to giyuu's mouth, giyuu knew what to do and sucked on the finger

Soon the fingers were wet and sloppy

Nemi-be gentle..
Giyuu said but sanemi was being sanemi and shoved 2 of those fingers in go

Giyuu moaned

Giyuu felt sanemi's fingers go in and out then curl making him moan (again) sanemi moved his fingers to a place that seemed like a bump and pressed it hard

Giyuu griped the sheets as he arched back

Sanemi smirked and leaned down to kiss giyuu drinking his moans as he teased the sensitive place of Giyuu

Giyuu moan softly as sanemi took his fingers out and put giyuu's legs in tio of his shoulder then aligned himself with Giyuu's hole

Hmn scared?
Sanemi teased now a bit sober as he saw giyuu's wide eye's

Giyuu lied

If u say so~
Sanemi said as he lundged his length not letting giyuu adjust to the "intruder"

Ah-AHhhh ngh!!
Giyuu moaned loudly and Arch back as he felt sanemi's thick rod hit his prostate as he started to shed tears

Does it hurt?
Sanemi looked at giyuu who had tears forming (duh it was 9 inches long)

Giyuu nodded but slowly

Ok I'll go slow k?
Sanemi said as he began to thrust in and out slowly

Mmnh ha- faster~
Giyuu moaned sanemi went faster

Hgn-mn a~F-faster..~
Giyuu moaned a bit louder sanemi went faster

Ah-AHH! Faster-h.. harder!
Giyuu moaned loudly as sanemi wasted to time grabbing giyuu's legs making Them fold as he wanted to hit a certain spot

then sanemi hit it..

Giyuu moaned even louder then came as sanemi smirked

Not done
Sanemi said as he continued to abuse the sensitive nerves faster and roughly than before

Giyuu moaned in surprise as sanemi continued to thrust roughly

Ngh~ i ah! Hgn-mn sloww~ ngh! Slo-hn~wer!
Giyuu pleaded between moans but was ignored by sanemi

No u wanted this~
Sanemi whispered in giyuu's ears as he bit down giyuu's shoulder making it bleed also causing it to stay there for 3-4 days

Hie-ha! Hmnn-ngh-s~stoop~ took mgh much!!
Giyuu moaned as the amount of pleasure sanemi gave him was "too much" for him to handle

No.. Mine
Sanemi said continuing marking giyuu's shoulders till sanemi stopped pulled it out sat down and made giyuu sit on him

Nmh! Ah!
Giyuu moaned In surprise

Sanemi whispered to giyuu's ear before slamming his length in giyuu before giyuu could react

Giyuu moaned as sanemi hit his prostate and arched back

H-how m~many -rounds~!?
Giyuu asked but kept getting interrupted by his moans

Just a "few" more love~
Sanemi said

After what seemed like an endless amount of rounds(7)

H-i CA- han't mnh tak-ei~ he any-m-ore!!
Giyuu said in a horse voice

Sanemi hummed as he came for the last time

Haa~ha- hmm
Giyuu moaned softly as sanemi took his length out spilling the substances

Rest love I'll take care of u~
Sanemi said as he kissed Giyuu

Giyuu hummed as he fell asleep of exhaustion

Sleep well my love
Sanemi kissed Giyuu on the cheek and got him in the tub to clean him as he also then changed the sheets(get a man like Sanemi!, and I'll get a woman like Mitsuri)


This is the very first smut I ever
Wrote without my cousin

I'd like to say thank u for all your support and I Apologize for not posting much and see u all
In the next chapter bye


Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now