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B4 I start I'd like to Apologize for not posting much and all the mistakes I've wrote I'm very sorry if I replied to u and u may or may not have found it offensive or just weird or even uncomfortable I'm very sorry and I'm deeply sorry for every wrong doing I've done...

Sincerely: Author Merin


Hmm.. what am I doing I don't know what I'm gonna wear....I'll ask mitsuri maybe she'll maybe I'll bothe-
Giyuu's train of thought's stopped by a knock

*Walking down the hallway and stairs*"knock" "knock"*Opens door*

Good afternoon Giyuu!!
Mitsuri Cheerfully greeted

Awh good afternoon uri
Giyuu greeted as he opened the door wider
Come in
Giyuu continued

They sat down

So what brings u here uri?
Giyuu asked

Oh! About that it's just I was wondering if u needed help for your date~
Mitsuri said calmly at first then teasingly said the last

Oh thank u uri I actually did needed some help
Giyuu said looking down as he wondered how mitsuri found out but brushed it off

A few minutes later...

Mitsuri squealed

R-rlly thank u and thank u for helping me too..
Giyuu thank mitsuri and bowed

Shinazugawa's gonna love to this so much- wait giyuu's bowing!?Mitsuri thought

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Shinazugawa's gonna love to this so much- wait giyuu's bowing!?
Mitsuri thought

Giyuu it's no problem ni need to bow!!
Mitsuri said

Oh..uh sure sorry..
Giyuu replied

Oh no worries! Now go get him Giyuu!!
Mitsuri said in couragingly to giyuu as she pushed him out his own estate

I'll take care of your home while your gone thanks Bye!!
Mitsuri closed the door before giyuu could reply

Wtf just happened..nvm I need to go I'm gonna be late..
Giyuu thought as he ran even tho the cafe was only 15 mins away and he could still have 5 mins to spare,he still ran

Few minutes later....

Oh..hey Tomioka didn't expect u to be early-
Sanemi said as turned red due to the fact he looked at giyuu admiring how Giyuu looks with his hair down and a kimono(or idk what clothes the pic showed so pls correct me if I'm wrong)

*Pant* *pant* hi.. Shinazugawa..
Giyuu said panting as he straighted his back

U look beautiful with your hair down..
Sanemi complemented turned away
Let's go
Sanemi continued

Thank.. you and ..sure.
Giyuu said as he turned into a tomato if u looked closely there could be fumes coming out of him

They sat down and ordered

I'll have some onigiri and  ohagi with jasmine tea
Sanemi ordered

I'll have shimmered Salmon with daikon and just water..
Giyuu ordered

Ofc thank u your food will arrive in a few minutes sir's!!
The waiter said as they left

Silence fell then..

So..u like shimmered Salmon with daikon?
Sanemi said trying to start a conversation

Uh..yes..u like ohagi?
Giyuu replied uhm where'd you've been al these time
Sanemi asked

Oh..the demon kept me somewhere in a cave and chained..
Giyuu lied

Oh...I- listen I'm so sorry I couldn't find u sooner..
Sanemi said as he looked down's ok u didn't know thus there would also be a chance u would have died so no need to apologized..
Giyuu replied to sanemi feeling bad that they wasted so much time and effort into finding him only to be lied to

But look at u!U got hurt instead..*cough* *cough* sorry
Sanemi sitting back

It's Just that when I saw Tokito 's face and reaction when u were missing it.. brought me to reality that u weren't as..u know..
Sanemi paused

Giyuu guessed

No- uh heartless is too much but cold is just ok right?..Not that your all that cold- I..look I'm just trying to say that u rlly do matter and I'm sorry for everything I've done to u

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now