Pt 2 of Kenji...🖕

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Giyuu POV:

I woke up on the floor blood just dipping from my head i felt a lot of pain as I lifted my head up my vision was a bit blurry so fuzzy...

I could hear Kanz's squawking as I slowly moved my eyesb to see him

"Ah K-..ka-Kanz..?"
I weakly muttered out my voice horse

"Giyuu..Injure...I.. go call...h-help..stay"
The crow responded as it turned away and weakly flew away to seek help..

I fraily laid my head back onto the wall trying recovery breathing as I pass out from blood loss and exhaustion (Stay strong bby giyuu!!)

Fast forward
A few minutes later....

I wake up again(sadly) to see a pink and green haired girl tending to my wound(or wounds)

Mitsuri said as she noticed I'm awake

"Wh-what happened..?"
I asked blinking my eyes trying to adjust to the lighy

"Later right now just rest please!!"
She told me..I felt so bad..she looked so worried concern..god was I such a burden

I sighed and laid back and at least ease her

An hour or so... Past I think

"Giyuu are u hungry, Does anything hurt still??..Tell me!!
Mitsuri said sadly with a sad and concerned look on her eyes and face displayed ugh..I felt so guilty

I-im fine mitsuri..
I replied trying to reassure her

End of Giyuu's pov

"What happened who did this to u and where's your husband!?"
Mitsuri said with a bit of furry in her eyes as she imagines how she would beat up the person who threw a bottle at her brother figure

"I-i don't remember sorry.."
Giyuu lied to avoid his husband from getting beaten up

"A-and 2nd question??"
Mitsuri reminded as she would scold giyuu's husband for leaving Giyuu alone

"He- he went out to buy some stuffs like groceries..that's all"
Giyuu lied again to save his husband's ass(again 🙄)

"Oh-If u say so.."
Mitsuri said dropping her tense expression

"Thank u mitsuri for tending to my wounds but I must husband is probably looking for me..,thank u mitsuri"
Giyuu said as he got off the bed not minding the sudden pain that shot through his head

Mitsuri was cut off

"Im fine mitsuri please I need to go now thank u..."
Giyuu said as he bowed and started to walk away

"Ahh..Giyuu wa!-"
Mitsuri was again cut off

"It's ok mitsuri you've done enough"
Giyuu said softly as he walked out

Few minutes later....

Kenji said as he walked up to Giyuu the only expression on his face was rage and furry not minding the fact his Husband had bandages over his head

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