chapter 50(smut ish)

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Giyuu Pov:

Time past it was Abt 4:36 when the others arrived..but father already went back to his "Infinity Castle"

Good thing I managed to clean up all the mess especially the broken glass-

"U guys are back I already cooked dinner so don't worry"
Giyuu said as he opened the door

"Thanks love your the best"
Sanemi said as he kissed Giyuu's cheek

"Blah blah blahhh Save all that lovey dovey shit for later Shinazugawa,My mitsuri's hungry"
Obanai said as he went past the two

"Sorry Abt Obanai h-hid just moody bc shinobu won me in there little race"
Mitsuri smiled as she went in

Mui said as he jumped on giyuu and hugged him like he(mui) was a koala and Giyuu was a tree

"Hi mui.."
Giyuu hugged mui back

"How did it do? ,Did you have fun?"
Giyuu asked

"It was ok I guess..Not rlly bc u weren't there!"
Mui stated

"Hmm..let's eat now?"
Giyuu suggested

Mui replied then he kissed Giyuu on the cheek

''Thank u pa!!"
Mui said as he got down to wash his hands so he could eat

Giyuu was about to follow but was stopped by sanemi

"And where's my kiss?"
Sanemi grinned

"Already gave u?"
Giyuu replied

"Not enough~"
Sanemi said as he pulled Giyuu by the waist and kissed him and pulled back

"That kiss,Thanks love"
Sanemi said as he let go of giyuu's waist and went upstairs

Giyuu was Left flustered and had a
(⁠灬• •灬⁠) face

".. damn u sanemi.."
Giyuu mumbled as he closed the door and walked to the kitchen to see everyone talking just waiting for everyone else(sanemi and Giyuu are the only ones who arent there)

Giyuu sat down and soon sanemi came down too and they all started to eat

"This food is delicious Yuu Thank u!!!"
Mitsuri said as she went in for another bowl

I'm glad u like it uri..
Giyuu replied as he slowly ate

Everyone ate giyuu cleaned up with the help of Aoi

Giyuu-san where did u learn to cook?
Aoi asked as she stopped wiping the table

I learned it from some books and k tried the recipe then made mine
Giyuu continued to clean the dishes

What inspired u to cook?
Aoi asked once more

Nothing rlly.. I've actually been the one cooking my meals almost everyday
Giyuu replied

Ah.. since when did u start cooking for your self?
Aoi asked

I was..hmm I started when I was almost 14..
Giyuu responded

Aoi said or ohed idk

But If i remember correctly I cooked my first meal with my sister..
Giyuu smiled but Aoi didn't notice

That's nice...
Aoi smiled at giyuu and continued to wipe the table

Hm..How about I teach u one of my recipes?
Giyuu suggested

Aoi snapped her head to giyuu

Giyuu smiled this time Aoi saw it

T-thank u!!
Aoi bowed

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now