Apology and a Confession!?

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Sanemi's Pov

Side note sanemi wasn't told that giyuu had woken up

I was walking to Tomioka's room expecting a sleeping beauty but was met with a muichiro?(FBI OPEN UP HE HAVE A PEDOO!!)*jk*

Hey tomi-Tokito!?
Sanemi said in surprise

Ah!?wh- izzit d end of za world..!?
Mui said sleepily Mui shrugged and fell back asleep sanemi quickly ran to shinobu's office

Sanemi screamed

Oh your boyfriend he's awake and at the wisteria tree!
Shinobu said in her fake cheery voice

First of all His not my boyfriend(yet) And second of all WHEN WAS THE FUCK HE WAS AWAKE!?
Sanemi said a hit angrily at the first but screamed the last sentences

Oh yesterday In the afternoon!
Shinobu Said a bit annoyed

Sanemi quickly ran and saw giyuu just sitting under the wisteria tree, Sanemi walk up to giyuu and bent down

Giyuu's Pov (before Sanemi went to the butterfly mansion)

I woke up mitsuri on the other bed mui still sleeping beside me I smile and got up slowly as to not wake mui..

I went to the bathroom and washed my face then changed and went out and met

Ohayo! Tomioka-san how was your sleep!
Shinobu asked giyuu as she walked up to him

It's was fine..
Giyuu said in his normal voice

Anyways Tomioka-san why don't we change your bandage's!!
Shinobu said as she pointed to her office

Giyuu didn't respond and just followed Shinobu and sat down

Nee-Nee Tomioka-san...
Shinobu called out as she continued to change the bandage's

End of giyuu's Pov

Giyuu hummed

Tomioka-san...I'm sorry...
Shinobu said as she stopped and looked down

Uh-uhm pardon..?(Help why does this sound too Formal or dramatic😭)
Giyuu asked

I'm sorry Tomioka I'm so sorry for judging u I'm sorry for hitting u I'm so sorry for everything ive done to u I know u won't f-forgive me!but I want u to know I'm truly and deeply sorry..
Shinobu apologized as some tears fell

Shinobu was shocked as Giyuu Hugged Shinobu...

It's ok kocho...I've already forgiven u a Long time ago
Giyuu said as he hummed and continued to hug shinobu(NOT A SHIP!)

*Hic*hic* Thank u tomioka san...
Shinobu said as she wiped her tears and stood up

I get some fresh air
Giyuu said as he left her office

Oh Sayonara Tomioka-san I'll just call a kakushi if it's time to eat! Oh and by the way call me shinobu!!
Shinobu said Giyuu gave a nod and left

Giyuu's Pov again

I walked out the estate turned to The right and spotted a wisteria tree and thought why not lay down there a bit

I laid down and drifted off all there was darkness just darkness

About 20 to 25 mins I was woken up by...

End of giyuu's Pov

Hey.. Tomioka?
Sanemi called out gently tapping on giyuu's shoulder

Mhm...mm? Oh-Uh hi... Shinazugawa..
Giyuu sad as he stirred awake

Sanemi said as he offered his hand to giyuu

Giyuu said blushing

Uh..Did u have breakfast yet..?
Sanemi said in his normal tone

No.. shinobu said she'll send a kakushi to tell me but it didn't arrive yet
Giyuu replied

Ok? Shinobu told me to find u actually.. cus breakfast is ready
Sanemi lied

Giyuu said

The short walk was very very much awkward till

Tomioka..I want to talk to privately at my estate 2 pm
Sanemi said then a ran away(He a runner he a trackstar hit him with a car he won't get far)

Time skipp to 2pm


*Door opens*

Good afternoon Shinazugawa what is it u want to talk about?
Giyuu asked sanemi

Well...*insert dramatic sigh* Listen Tomioka I-im so sorry for being a dickhead I'm sorry for hurting u I'm sorry for being judgmental I'm so sorry for everything

I know u have it in your heart not to forgive me but I really just want u to know I'm deeply and truly sorry!!
Sanemi apologized and continued bowing till(how many times to have to put till or use it!?)

Shinazugawa pls raise your head
Giyuu said as Sanemi raised his head and was met with a hug

I've already forgiven u Shinazugawa I've forgiven u ever since u hurt me..
Giyuu said as he remembered how Sanemi would beat him up and say cruel and harsh insults

I-i..thank you Tomioka
Sanemi said as he hugged Giyuu back

Giyuu hummed Yes

And that not it
Sanemi said as he put his hands on giyuu's shoulders

Tomioka Giyuu ever since I first saw u I've had this mixed feelings about u I can't explain what but I... TOMIOKA I LOVE U AND I- WILL U GO OUT WITH ME!?
Sanemi calmly said the first but screamed the last as Giyuu turned red a like a ripe tomato and stood there waiting for giyuu to reply

I-..Sure why not and Shinazugawa....I like u too..
Giyuu said as he tipped his toe a little and kissed Sanemi on the cheek leaving sanemi red and stunned

*Smiles*I'll be going now Shinazugawa
Giyuu said as he turned away

*Gasp*TOMIOKA MEET ME AT ###### IN 6PM!!
Sanemi screamed

Giyuu turned his head and smiled
Leaving sanemi even more red


Hey guys srry for no posting it's bc I had to take 3 tests and 6 performance tasks and copy 2 lessons in math with 7 lessons on Music health and PE

So ive been very very busy hope y'all can understand

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now