Hashira's vacation with the kamaboko squad + aoi

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Time skip after the sleepover

Giyuu and mui was called by master

Good morning master..I wish for your families good health in the future
Sanemi said

Awhhh I was gonna greet master!!
Mitsuri thought

Good morning, Lovely morning isn't it..
Master said as the warm breeze flew by

Hai master!
Rengoku replied

Now that u all are here...
Master paused
I know that a lot has been happening for the corps so I would like all of u to take a vacation no buts
Master said softly then firmly at the "no buts"

Understand everyone?
Master said

Hai../Ofc master!!
They said

Time skip to a few hrs later...

Alright everyone here!
Rengoku said

Yeah I thi-
Sanemi was cut off

Tanjiro said as he ran up with kanao genya zenitsu inosuke and aoi following

Can believe I'm stuck with these brats especially that forehead kid and that f demon girl wtf does Yuu see in them
Sanemi thought as he shot a glare at tanjiro

Tanjiro felt and noticed the glare and glared back still didn't get why Giyuu dated him but still was happy for his brother figure

Now that everyone's here let's get this flashy vacation started!!
Uzui said as he put his arm on giyuu's shoulder

Right Tomioka!!
Uzui said as he knew sanemi was boiling inside

Giyuu said as he slowly lifted uzui's arm and took his bag

Giyuu could hear Zenitsu and Inosuke yelling and thought This is gonna be a long ass travel..

Few minutes later

Giyuu and Sanemi were seated beside eachother while mui was sulking as he wanted to sit beside and sleep beside his mother figure's side but was cut off short bc genya was his seat mate


Sanemi called out

Giyuu hummed

Sanemi questioned as he noticed giyuu was a bit stressed out and once starting to fade eyebags came back

Oh I'm fine...
Giyuu said as he thought he would be a burden

No your not...come here
Sanemi said as he pulled giyuu closer

No rlly i-
Giyuu was cut off

Sleep u clearly need it
Sanemi said firmly as he kissed he lover's forehead

"Sigh" ok..
Giyuu said as he reated his head on sanemi shoulder and soon fell asleep

... beautiful..
Sanemi said as he examined giyuu's fenimane features with the long lashes and a more pointed chin his long hair and fair white skin was heavenly to watch for Sanemi

Hey dog!
Mui called out

Who u callin dog u-
Sanemi stopped as he remembered Giyuu said not to curse Infront of mui

"Sigh" what?
Sanemi continued

U better sleep with one eye open tonight and u better not hurt my pa.. or I'll make u disappear without anyone knowing where u are with the help of that weird looking pale man..
Mui threatened as his glare became more tense and only became worst as he smiled creepily

Yeah yeah whate-
Sanemi noticed that muzan was right behind mui glaring at him in a like "Choose your words wisely or you'll be gone before u even react"

...s-sure I'll never hurt him and if I ever do I'll slit my t-throat or- hang myself!
Sanemi sad sweating a bit as he knew muzan didn't completely forgive him for what he'd done to giyuu in the past

Hmm better keep your words..
Mui Said not believing the words that came out Sanemi's mouth

Few hrs later....

Yuu love were here..
Sanemi called out

Giyuu hummed asleep

Sanemi sighs and decided to just let giyuu sleep and proceeded to take their bags (4 of them) and Carry Giyuu to the vacation estate

So u carried my son and 4 bags that's nothing
Muzan said as he watched sanemi

Master isn't this a bit excessive-
Kokushibo was cut off

Shh!! They'll hear us thus what if when I'm away then he starts being abusive!?
Muzan replied eyeing sanemi's movements

Genya help me will ya?
Sanemi said

H-hai aniki!
Genya replied

Few hrs later...

Alright everyone let's eat and sleep alright?
Shinobu said

Yeah yeah
Uzui replied

Shinobu said as she sat down

where's Tomioka!
Rengoku asked out of curiosity and worry

Oh his still asleep
Sanemi said

U should wake him-
Obanai was cut off

His tired and needs rest
Sanemi said as he ate the noodles

KYAAAA!! That's so sweet of u Shinazugawa-san!!
Mitsuri said as she a liked how Giyuu was changing him.

Mn whatever pinky
Sanemi said while shinobu and obanai were giving cold glares at sanemi

Dinner ended and they got changed and slept

Rooming arrangements

Giyuu and Sanemi

Uzui and Rengoku

Shinobu and mitsuri

Kanao and Aoi

Genya and Mui

Zenitsu Tanjiro and Inosuke

And last but not least Obanai and Gyomie

Back to muzan and koku

Mmn letting my son rest and sleep that's good but making him skip meals a disgrace!!.
Muzan said as he remembered how Kenji wouldn't let giyuu eat properly or get 2-3 meals a day and muzan suspects if sanemi would also do it

Master Giyuu is too tired frk. Everything he needs rests and it's only 1 meal-
Kokushibo was cut off

So!? Morning is still far and Giyuu will get hungry!!
Muzan said

,*Sigh* ok master


Hey sorry for not posting I've been busy and sorry for  taking break

And btw the inverted/opposite hashira's will be posted idk when but it will I'm just busy bc science fairs, Scout, Taekwondo lessons and so on..

Anyways so sorry for not posting and thank and good bye see u guy's in the next chapter

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