(I don't know what to name)

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Tomioka Giyuu or should I say Kibutsuji Giyuu
Muzan said grinning

Sanemi's eyes Became as wide a they can be

W-what the fuck do u mean!?
Sanemi screamed

I'm his father and I'm saying that  u.don't.deserve.him
Muzan said coldly as he gave sanemi a glare

Oh please Yuu isn't your son and if he was then he would be a demon!!
Sanemi said

Tch..not only are u thick skinned but your stupid
Muzan said

U see Yuu is very strong,stronger than u actually! Oh and why is that...he is half demon and half human
Muzan continued

Like hell I'd believe u! U don't even have 1 proof that his your son!
Sanemi yelled

Muzan hummed and threw a picture to sanemi

What the hell is thi-
Sanemi paused and stared at the picture it was a picture of Giyuu and muzan standing next to eachother giyuu wearing clothes sanemi hasn't seen him wear or in his closet

That enough?
Muzan said grinning

Sanemi Just stood there staring in shock

Heh... Remember what I'm going to tell u...Ever hurt him or even injure him your died..
Muzan shot one last glare before disappearing with kokushibo

Wait..if he came from here.. giyuu!
Sanemi said as he rushed back to Giyuu's estate

*Knock knock*

*Door opens*

Oh hey nem-
Giyuu was cut off

We need to talk
Sanemi said

Few minutes later

So uh what do you want to talk about..?
Giyuu said

It's about your father..
Sanemi's said as giyuu's eyes Widen's in shock

Wh-what about h-him..?
Giyuu said nervously

Oh it's just the fact that your father is THE FUCKING DEMON KING!?
Sanemi calmly said at first then Screamed the last

I-i can explain
Giyuu said

*Sigh* fine..
Sanemi said as he sat back down

(Giyuu explaining everything)

Giyuu said nothing at the end

I-i...I need sometime to think...
Sanemi said walking out

....why did u had to tell..him father..
Giyuu said as he slumped down and sobbed thinking that was the end..

Tch! Fuck! What the hell am I doing..I promised I'd loved him no matter what...
Sanemi said as he hit his head on a tree

I need to apologize to him tomorrow..
Sanemi said as he continued to go back to his estate


Hey guys sorry if this chapter is short it's just that I'm a bit if not very much sleep deprived like I can't fucking sleep and if I do I only get 1 and half hrs or 2 hrs of sleep

Like my eyebags just started to vanish and now they're back and even more dark like Im starting to look like a panda anyways

Good bye and sorry for the short chapter!!

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now