chapter 46

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There here...
Giyuu thought as he ran to where sanemi mui and Zenitsu were training

Giyuu noticed a think string and dodge it and was met with several other but managed to dodge the others and was facing the string


Giyuu slowly turned to see a man with black hair and light grey eyes whose hair was tied neatly

The man said

Giyuu looked behind the man and saw Sanemi tied up in a tree (still alive) mui laying in the ground while zenitsu beside Mui

What did u do them...
Giyuu said

I'll answer that later but first tell me who u are..
The man crossed his arms

Giyuu eyed the man and said.
Tomioka Giyuu..

...tch don't lie your not a Tomioka..
The man said

So my mother was...
Giyuu said

Your mother...wait what was her name..
The man said in a serious tone

Giyuu answered

The man said

Or before she came here...Hua-jing(flower peace or peace flower)

The man lost all colors as he stood straight

Y-your mother is Hua-jing!?
The man yelled

A voice of a woman was heard from a tree as she flew to the man

Where? Where's Hua-jing??
The woman asked

No answer came

You!! Who are u to her!!
The woman said as she turned to giyuu

Dear.. that's her son..
The man said

H-her son!?
The woman said as she blink

Can't be!
She continues

Dear don't fall for this boys lies!!
She said to the man as she dropped her weapon

If you're really her son then prove it..
She glared at giyuu

The woman launched at giyuu which giyuu dodged and hit her in the neck to make her fall unconscious as he thought it would save time

The mans mouth fell to the ground

Now what did u do to them
Giyuu asked again

I only knocked them out..
The man said avoiding eye contact

Ok then I'll knock u out too
Giyuu grinned like he was planning world domination

Ok-wait what-
The man was knocked out by giyuu without the man noticing

Giyuu looked at the two then turned to sanemi mui and Zenitsu

Giyuu looked at the sky and it looked like it was gonna rain in a few minutes since the sun was covered by then clouds Giyuu decided to..

Giyuu called out

Then Karl or kokushibo appeared

Yes Gary
Kokushibo answered

Help me get them home
Giyuu said as he picked up zenitsu and mui

Sure Gary
Kokushibo went to the two and picked them up then went to the tree to get sanemi

I'll go ahead Karl bye
Giyuu said as he disappeared and appeared at the front of the house

Finally used the teleportation I taught u..
Muzan stood behind him

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now