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Ok ok I don't know how u escape or get out of the infinity castle but Just imagine how Giyuu did it Kay!

Giyuu's Pov

I panted as I ran as fast as I didn't  bothering looking

It was tough getting out I had a few injuries, Some bruises on my arms and my bleeding nose with blood dripping down my head but it could've been worse

I was so focused on running, my vision was blurry so blurry when suddenly I bumped into someone

The someone that i bumped into was


I noticed his very very shocked expression but then my vision blurred more feeling dizzy then it all Went black

Sanemi's Pov

I was heading to visit Tomioka 's grave

I don't know why I thought I hated him but now that his gone I feel kind of empty

Ever since Tomioka went missing I couldn't help but regret what I did to him

I wanted to Apologize to him when he was found and actually start to try and he friends with him but..

He was dead when me And Mitsuri found him

The funeral was depressive

Muichiro and Mitsuri cried the most

That Kamado Kept apologizing to his coffin while the demon...cried?

The crybaby tried not to cry but he's a crybaby so

The boar head Boy yelled "NO HIS STRONG HES NOT DEAD!!"

all the kids cried hard I was a bit surprised when I saw genya also crying

Guess that Tomioka isn't as bad as I thought..I really fucked up..

I was just about 15 minutes away from the graveyard when someone bumped into me

That someone was


Before I could do anything He blacked out

What the fuck!?
Aren't u dead!?

That bitch of a demon faked it....

I need to tell master

Leee Time skipp 😍

"Good afternoon master..."
Sanemi said as he bowed before he sat down

"Mn..Good afternoon to you too My child"
Master spoke
"What brings you hear my child.."
Master continued

"Master... Tomioka Giyuu is not dead..I think some asshole  demon faked his death"
Sanemi stated his expression hard and determination while Kagaya's expression turned shock

"Why do u say so my child..?"
Master said thinking there could have been a possibility

*Insert sanemi explaining*

"May I ask where is he now"
Master questioned

"He is outside master"
Sanemi answered

"Bring him in we will tend to his wounds then I shall call a meeting.."
Master muttered out giving a sigh

"Yes Master.."
Sanemi replied as he stood up

Apter a pew pew me not👀

"What a Lovely afternoon today isn't it"
Master said softly his mouth curved into a smile

"Hai! It really is today master! And I shall pray for your families safety and health"
Rengoku beemed his voice carrying brightness

"I wish the Very same to u too kyojuro.."
Master spoke as he turned to the hashira's

"Hm..Master..I believe Shinazugawa is not present!"
Uzui remarked, looking at the spot where Sanemi would usually be at

"About that there is something if not someone Sanemi has found.."
Master said

"Master may I ask who Shinazugawa found?"
Obanai asked

"Tomioka Giyuu is indeed alive"
Master said the hashira's we're shocked the most were Mitsuri and Mui as they were still infact grieving the fact that Giyuu died

"But master isn't he dead!?"
Uzui Said in disbelief

"That is what the demon wanted us to think"
Master replied

"Master! May I Pls Request to see Pa Pls Master"
Mui Said Thinking his fatherly figure who he presumably thought was dead was actually alive

"Yes..Tokito but I suggest u wait until Tomioka's Fully treated and Bandaged"
Master replied

"Hai! Master thank u!"
Muichiro said

And don't u all think muichiro is the only one who can see Tomioka u are all free to see Him,U are all dismissed

Cliffhanger can't write anything longer-
So srry anygayz

Va vyee💅

Update 656 words

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now