Hashira Meeting (Present time)

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Giyuu's Pov
I was walking to master's estate Kanzaburo got there a bit sweaty maybe I'm gonna be late.

When I arrived everyone was already kneeling. God was I so slow

I walk quickly but quietly and knelt with the other's, I felt the unwanted glares, gazes , heard so whispers of me always being late

"Master has arrived"
Master's daughters said

End of giyuu's Pov

"It's a Beautiful evening to night isn't it children?"
Master spoke

"Yes Master! and I pray for your families safety and health!"
Mitsuri greeted with a warm smile

"Thank you I also pray for your families safety and health"*duh mitsuri is the Only one who has a complete family unlike rengoku who only has a dad and a brother*

"How we're your missions these past few weeks, my children?"
Master said as a soft smile formed

Back 2 giyuu's Pov

Everyone gave there reports meanwhile I didn't because master didn't seemed to give me anything I was a bit surprised but didn't think too much and when the meeting ended I walk out of master's estate until

"Nee~-Nee~ Tomioka-san what's your excuse for being late again today Tomioka-san!"
The short Butterfly insect looking girl said

I didn't respond and just looked at her

Your just wasting your time with that arrogant emo-otic bitch kocho
I heard a raspy voice say

Yeah kocho not only is he arrogant and emo his practically useless,master didn't give him any missions no wonder no one likes him
My heterocromatic eyed colleague said as he walked up to the group

Agree! His very very unflashy an eyesore to be exact!
Another but much taller colleague male following him

End of this pov

Giyuu was about to walk away but only to be kicked on his side and fall to the ground followed by stomping on his body

The ravenette could only grunt in pain soon the stomping ended only to be replaced by fist hitting his face

Then his body as he could only winched in pain the movements were mixed with punching and kicks with harsh and vile words getting spat at him

Eventually the beating ended with a scarred man picking him up by his collar as he was slammed into a tree

That snapped the last straw

A powerful Aura shocked the 4 hashira's as a tall long haired demon and 6 eyes with upper 1st engraved in his eyes and stood in the way the of raven as the demon,(the sun was setting cus the meeting was held around 6pm and the beating started at 6:56 and the time Sanemi threw giyuu it was already 7:23 meaning its already night) the six eyed demon proceeded to pick up the ravenette with a biwa sound disappearing with the ravenette

Hashira's pov

The small female yelled as she saw the demon appear out of nowhere

Sanemi yelled as he tried to ran towards the raven already sheathing his sword

The four tried to run to the ravenette but to no avail as both the raven and the demon disappeared in thin air
The scarred man cursed throwing his sword to the ground

"Well this is every unflashy..."
The tallest male said looking down

"We need to report this to master.."
The shortest of the group said as all of them ran towards there master's estate

"Out of all the fucking damn options that shitty upper rank took Him!??"
Sanemi cursed

"I agree, there's all 4 of use yet he was the one??"
Obanai muttered them getting closer to Ubuyashiki's estate


"Good evening Master..."
The four hashira's spoke kneeling

"Ah what brings u here children at this hour?"
The blind man asked in confusion

After they explained what happened with lies to avoid getting scolded or getting kicked out the corps

I see...I will call a meeting to the "others so we can track down our fellow hashira and maybe also take down an upper rank.."
The sickly looking man said with a sigh



Anyways sorry if it's cringe like wtf-I'm so sorry if this is bad like rlly
Anygays va vyeee 625 words

Update 707 words

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