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*flash back*

About a week had past since the last time the ravenette was seen,The hashira's have been looking all over to no avail and it seemed like there was no hope of finding the raven.


*Door opens*

"Good evening! Tomi- ... Uh Muichiro-kun?"
Tanjiro said in confusion

"Ah- hi tanjiro...
Mui said in a sad tone, tanjiro sensed worry and sadness coming from mui

"Uh-mm Hi mui uhh where's Tomioka-san?"
Tanjiro asked

"We..don't know where he is or even if he's still a-alive...."
Mui said as trying to keep tears from falling

"What do u mean...?
Tanjiro said as his eyes Widen's with mui's last words (or even if he's still alive)questions filled his head with worry

Zenitsu said as he looked at the sad State of mui and tanjiro

"U guys come in I'll explain.."
Mui said as he opened the door wider

After Mui explained everything cuz I'm too lazy to type it and shit anyways

"I-..I don't know what to do anymore tanjiro,you pa and mitsuri and Genya were the one who makes me happy But I-i can't imagine a-a world without p-pa...I-"
Mui said as tears fell from his eyes as he recalled a few memories(muichiro met tanjiro a bit early and those things happened he recalled some of his memories and is still managing on remembering on stuff) when giyuu would take care of him when he was sick or that time Mui forgot where his house is then giyuu Offered Mui to stay at his how he likes the way giyuu does his hair and the pure love Giyuu showed to mui but If giyuu died Mui couldn't imagine seeing his motherly figure's body with missing limbs and not breathing it would be a Nightmare

"Mui I... I also don't know what to do Tomioka-san willingly offered his Life for me and nezuko a-and I still haven't re-repayed him for his kindness"
Tanjiro said as he remembered the short conversation's he had with Giyuu how he believed him when nezuko turned into a demon how Giyuu stood up for them how Giyuu showed Care and kindness to them
Tanjiro just couldn't help but worry and hoped giyuu was alive and well but that would simply be if not just impossible for giyuu to be alive tanjiro can only hope and wish giyuu wasn't died

"I..I guess we can only hope he's not died...r-right..?"
Zenitsu said as memories flashed how Giyuu willingly gave his food and money as zenitsu forgot his and that time Giyuu gave his umbrella to him when it was raining hard
how Giyuu stood up to him when zenitsu was getting made fun of for being scared, Although zenitsu feared the latter still he hope that the hashira was still alive and well and wanted to thank the pillar for the things he had done for him.

"Nuh- uh!!No! He's strong he can survive!!"
Inosuke retaliated as he remembered the first time He met the ravenette it was when he was on the verge of being killed by a demon when the latter killed the demon saving him,
He remembered how delicious The taste of the food Giyuu cooked how Giyuu gave his portion just because Inosuke wanted More.It would be sad if Giyuu dies as inosuke looked up to him as an idol in a I'm gonna be Just like u and what's worst he could never eat giyuu's food ever again.

"Inosuke...it's been a week since Tomioka-san was taken we don't know if he survived the fight with upper moon 1 we don't know where he even is!?"
Tanjiro replied he could Only sense only worry, sadness, fear from his companions as he himself was also worried for the pillar

"Tanjiro's right we don't know where Tomioka-san is.."
Zenitsu muttered out letting out a sigh

"We are trying to locate him we could use your help!"
Mui suggested trying to light up some hope

"Really that would be great!"

Tanjiro replied in agreement smiling widely as the sad and worrisome tension faded away

Cliff hanger again Bc I'm a bitch 😍
Anyways see you in the next chapter
Guz vayzㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ


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