How Mui Became Giyuu's lil boy

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It was a very pleasant day for others except for giyuu...

Giyuu still infact grieved his beloved son and "husband"

Everyday all he does is clean and sleep and drink water..just..water...

As if he ever does try to eat properly

The words images and memories of
Kenji and The slave seller would appear

Master..pls just a bite of food pls master
Tch! U don't need to eat dipshit u look fat already!!

(Pushing giyuu to a mirror)
Look at yourself lil brat look!! U look like a pig already!!

Giyuu eating peacefully
U eat like a fucking pig

Giyuu getting 2nd's
(Slaps giyuu's hand)
Eatless ur starting to look and act like a pig

Love pls I j-
Idc!?Ur starting to look so fucking fat!!

Now everytime giyuu looks or even thinks of food he feels fat, ugly and thinks he acts like a glutton

But this all started to change

*Knock* *knock*

*Door opens*

Uh Tokito?
Giyuu said

Mui hummed

Is there anything u need?
Giyuu asked

..idk where my house is
Mui answered Shyly

Uh-hm..I'll ask master..but u could stay here while we wait
Giyuu said then suggested

Mui replied

Why do I smell blood?
Giyuu thought as he sat down


The two sat down in silence till


Giyuu looked at the floor to see blood coming out from mui's leg

Tokito are u injured?
Giyuu asked but knew the truth
Mui lied

Are u sure?
Giyuu tried again

Mui again lied

Giyuu sighed and knelt down

W-what are u doing!
Mui said in surprise

*Unfolds* your clearly hurt
Giyuu answered then stood up

I'll be back in a bit
Giyuu said and went to get some first aid kit

Mui didn't answer and just sat down

I'm back
Giyuu said and knelt down again and started to treat mui's wound

Mui said in pain

Don't worry I'm just cleaning the wound.. it'll be over soon
Giyuu said to mui and finished cleaning the wound and was now putting medicine and wrapping the wound

Does it still hurt?
Giyuu asked u..
Mui said Shyly

Mn..Are u hungry..?
Giyuu asked

..a bit
Mui answered

Hm I'll cook something for u..
Giyuu said as he went out

Mui just sat there and fell asleep

1 and a half hours later...

Uh- Tokito..the foods ready..
Giyuu woke mui up with some nudges

Mmnh ok..
Mui said as he sat up followed giyuu and sat down

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now