training with Aoi and some unwanted guests

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Everyone silently ate there breakfast as the rain slower went away..

The cold atmosphere started to leave as the sun was taking over

The sun was out tiny bits of water left by the rain fell off the leaves as Mui and Zenitsu ran from a pissed sanemi

Mui screamed

Zenitsu cried out

Sanemi yelled as mui and Zenitsu had sewed sanemi's clothes together as the chest part was too open

Giyuu yelled at them so loud that the water on the leaves all fell

Yes love../yes pa.../yes giyuu..
The three said as they went back and sat down as it was the first time they were called by there full names by giyuu

What did I say!?
Giyuu yelled

U wanted a peaceful morning...
They said in unison

And what did u guys do!?
Giyuu still yelled

Gave u a chaotic morning...
They said in unison

Good! Now go train in the woods far from me!!
Giyuu yelled once more

What are u guys waiting for!? I said go!!!
Giyuu screamed as loud as he could

Psst..Aoi-chan what happened to Giyuu-san..
Tanjiro said in horror as he watched the scene

Idk but glad he put the dog in his place
Muzan ate his popcorn

I'm a bit nervous..
Aoi muttered out

Why is that Aoi-chan?
Tanjiro asked

She's gonna train with Yuu today
Muzan said as he left with his popcorn

Is that so!! Aoi-chan your so lucky!!
Tanjiro said as he turned to leave

I'm gonna train with Rengoku-san today..,Bye see u later!
Tanjiro bid goodbye as he left

Aoi called out

Hm? Yes Aoi?
Giyuu answered

When's the training starting?
Aoi shyly asked

Oh- uh I'll get my katana just u wait uhm where's yours?
Giyuu said

Oh its right here actually
Aoi said as she showed giyuu and her katanas

Thank u Aoi , now let's start
Giyuu took the katana gently as he got to position

First let's see how well u do in a fight and then I'll see how much training and how hard the training should be for u
Giyuu said

Water breathing is mostly known for my use for self how many techniques have u Mastered
Giyuu said

1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th and 9th only!
Aoi said

That's very good use self-defense!
Giyuu said as he launched at Aoi

Aoi said as she blocked giyuu's attack with the 2nd form

Good choice of form
Giyuu said as he launched 3 attacks with aoi only able to dodge 2 of them

Watch your o
pponent 's movements not there mouth!!
Giyuu said as he landed 2 more attacks as Aoi dodge both

*Pant* *pant* hai!!
Aoi panted out

After an hour past Aoi managed to dodge about 46 attacks and only taking 14 attacks

Very good Aoi..
Giyuu said as he gave Aoi water

*Pant* *pant* *pant* thank u..
Aoi said as she drank the water

No cold water after training just normal water
Giyuu said as he finished his glass

Aoi said

Good now let's proceed
Giyuu said as he attacked Aoi

Wait- what!?
Aoi said as she Dodged the attack

Aoi if u are fighting demons do u think u could catch a break?
Giyuu said as he attacked once more

Aoi answered

That's what I thought..
Giyuu said as he launched again with a series of hard and strong attacks

Remember to focus on your breathing and your opponent's movements
Giyuu attacked once more

Aoi said as she blocked the attacks

Giyuu launched a surprise attack on Aoi which Aoi didn't notice and got hit by the attack luckily it wasn't strong enough to make her injured but strong enough to make Aoi fall and hit her head

Aoi groaned as she lied down defeatedly

Concentrate that's what u need...ok that's all for today rest
Giyuu said as he nudged her

Aoi didn't respond as she fell asleep

Aoi?..ah-she fell asleep..
Giyuu bent down and carried her on his back

*Sigh* maybe I was too hard on her..mmm sorry Aoi
Giyuu apologized as he placed her on the porch

Ara~ Ara~ Giyuu! How was your train-ing
Shinobu paused

..what happened?
She stared at the sleeping Aoi

I think I trained her too harsh-
Giyuu looked down at the floor

Shinobu looked at Aoi

Uhm- don't worry I'll just wake her
Shinobu said as she left

Um-shinobu what are u plan-
Giyuu paused as shinobu came back with a pale of water

Shinobu don't u dare..
Giyuu looked at her

Ohh I dared alright!!
Shinobu said as she dumped the whole bucket on aoi's face

Ahhh!!! I'm awake I'm awake!!
Aoi sat up in surprise(shinobu left)

*Cough* *cough* how long was I o-out for?
Aoi coughed as she wiped her face

Just 10 minutes
Giyuu answered

..what happened?
Aoi asked

I trained u too hard and harsh that u fell unconscious
Giyuu said

Who dumped the water?
Aoi asked

Shinobu did.. sorry
Giyuu pulled her up

It's was kinda fun too..
Aoi admitted

Glad u did now let's cook lunch
Giyuu went inside

But I need u to take a bath as u know your very.. sweaty and dirty
Giyuu said as he washed his hands

Aoi agreed and left

Few minutes later...

Aoi came back and helped giyuu cook and soon lunch was ready..

Aoi u go tell tanjiro and Rengoku..and mitsuri and I'll call the rest
Giyuu suggested

Uh- ok
Aoi said as she walked out to call tanjiro and Rengoku first

While Giyuu walked towards the Forrest

.. somethings not right..
Giyuu listened to his surroundings and managed to dodge Abt more than 20 numbing needles from china

Shit..there here...
Giyuu said as he examined the needles and remembered a famous yet prestigious group of assassin's from china (his mother's families)


Hey guys decided to post daily like at least 1 or 2 chapters a day

So this was Abt 1000 words so it's pretty long so was the other one

And I don't have school this week
So I can focus to posting! (Yayyy)

Anyways that's all see you guys in the next chapter bye

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now