Idk what to name (again)

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Giyuu paused as he heard a crash with glass breaking following

Giyuu didn't seem scared shocked as he was expecting it to happen anytime

Meanwhile the others seemed a bit shock yet concealed it

Within seconds they were surrounded with ppl dressed in dark blue and black robes

They all had there swords out then some of those ppl moved to make space for a man with Blue and dark blue robes hair tied neatly

The man said in a bit if an irritated tone

(⁠・⁠–⁠・  )

Shijie did anything happen to u, Did this bastard hurt u?
The man said in Chinese again thinking giyuu didn't understand him

No he-
Mei paused

Talking or Calling people names behind there backs aren't aren't allowed in your sect rules right
Giyuu said in Chinese as he eyed the man

Quite impressive for u to speak more than 1 language for a young Gongzi(master)
The man turned to giyuu

Thank u..But it's quite rude for u too break in the place I'm currently living in..
Giyuu stood up now facing the man

Hm..I agree but isn't it more rude that u infact Took my Shijie and My nephew
The man glared at giyuu

I deeply apologize for that..but then again she did Knock out my companion my Partner and my Son..
Giyuu stated

Good point..
The man still held his glare

May I ask why have u come?
Giyuu's tone became more serious

I came to fetch my Shijie and my nephew of course..
The man replied

Giyuu hummed

I almost forgot..let me introduce myself more formally..
The man smiled

I am Weing Xiao Elder brother of Pin Mei also heir of the Weing Sect
Xiao bowed

Pleasure to meet u Weing Gongzi..
Giyuu bowed

I am Kibutsuji Giyuu..Son of the Demon king Muzan kibutsuji and Son of Hua-jing Poisonous Peace flower.. And the water hashira..
Giyuu stood straight

H-hua-jing is your mother..?
Xiao looked at giyuu waiting for his response

Giyuu said as he looked down

Where.? Where is she now??
Xiao asked thinking he could clear the  misunderstandings they made and maybe still save there relationship and become close again..

..she.. she's gone..
Giyuu stood still gripping his yukata u m-mean.??
Xiao asked thinking it's not what giyuu meant and hoping and wishing it wasn't what he thought

She's..she is long..dead..
Giyuu looked at Xiao

Xiao went forward grabbing giyuu's shoulders

..I was just a few months old..
Giyuu said

N-no that can't be!! How did she even die!?
Xiao yelled at giyuu

She was sick.. With an unknown illness..
Giyuu shut his eyes

Xiao's grip on giyuu's shoulders lessened as he leaned on the crook of giyuu's neck

Giyuu just stood there

.. Uh-..I..I apologize for my behavior..I-its just that ur mother an i..had a bit of a.. misunderstanding long ago..I was hoping on fixing it...but it seems now it's too- too late
Xiao let go of Giyuu and looked away

Oh..I "didn't" know..
Giyuu lied

Ok ok enough of that Drama and get some space away from my Son
Muzan said as he grabbed giyuu away (just a bit) from Xiao

Xiao glared at muzan like he killed his cat(ye- muzan accidentally killed Xiao's cat )

Hm yes me..
Muzan smiled

Still immature as ever dear Xiao
Muzan grinned at Xiao

Not like u ever changed Kibutsuji..
Xiao crossed his arms

Mhm some things don't change for the better but there are some things that do need to change
Muzan said as he looked down at Xiao

Like your Hobias?
Xiao grinned

Hm no I thought it was maybe your face and teeth!
Muzan grinned wider

Tch! Not like yours is any better, look at yourself before u talk to me
Xiao said annoyingly

Haha very funny!
Muzan replied even more annoyed

Oh I know that
Xiao said smuggly

Can't u even tell what sarcasm is!
Muzan smiled

Really we-
Xiao was cut off

Are u two done!?
Mei yelled at them annoyed

Xiao turned away mumbling things as he walked away

Take Shijie and Zian..
Xiao said as he slowly walked off

Wait-what about Giyuu?
Mei said as she was getting dragged out

Oh I'll be-
Giyuu was cut off by muzan

As long as The moon sets every morning and sun raises .. and the sun sets every evening as the moon takes its place.. we will meet again
Muzan said as he put his arm on giyuu's shoulder

Yeah yeah try-hard poetic bastard!!
Mei yelled on last time before they Left

..Father u rlly had to make a roasting match with them?
Giyuu looked at Muzan with a 😒 face

Yes..yes ofc it's quite necessary! Dear boy
Muzan smiled shamelessly while putting his hands on his hips and had a face like this:😌✨


So that was all for that chap

Any questions just ask in the comments

Anyways that's all, see u all on the next chapter bye

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now