Stay home

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Giyuu's pov

( head hurts)
i thought
(This looks familiar wh-where am I?)

"Ah I see your awake Yuu"
A familiar voice said

Giyuu turned to the sound of the voice and yelled

"Don't get up too quickly your still injured."
The Micheal Jackson look alike said

"Yes- father..."
Giyuu said lowering his head

"I thought I told u too stick up for yourself"
The demon king coldly said his gaze fixated on his son

'I know father im sorry"
The ravenette said looking down

*Sigh*Your Lucky kokushibo came in time or who knows what those piece of shits could've have done to u"
The red eyed man said as he patted his adopted sons head

"Sorry for being a handful Father"
The ravenette said as he looked up

"No need to be sorry Yuu it's fine thus it's been a long time since we last met"
The demon king said as he hugged his adopted son

"I missed u a lot father"
Giyuu said as he hugged his adoptive father back

"Now what do u want to eat,wait let me guess shimmered Salmon with daikon hm?"
Muzan said as he straighted his broke the hug and guessed

Giyuu hummed Yes as he looked up at his Father

"Ok ok it'll be ready in a couple of minutes I need to go now."
The Demon king said as he walked out the room

"Akaza "
The Red eyed man said with in 2 to 3 seconds a man with blue skin and dark blue stripes came as it's pink hair flowed

"Yes Master"
Akaza said as he knelt down shutting his eyes right

"Give giyuu some company while I'm away.
Nakime teleport Me to My office"
Muzan said as he disappeared with a biwa noise following

"Good evening akaza how are u"
Giyuu greeted sitting right up

"I'm fine giyuu thank u how are your injuries?"
Akaza said as he stood up

"There doing ok I guess it's nothing serious that I can't handle"
Giyuu said as he touch his forehead

"So who gave u those"
Akaza asked his tone firm and serious

Giyuu replied

"Who gave u those injuries"
The pink haired demon said as a vein popped in his forehead

"Oh it's nothing just 4 other hashira's who don't like me..why are u asking?"
Giyuu Said and questioned his friend

"Oh I just want to make them u know punish them for injuring u"
Akaza said as the another vein popped as the thought of someone or even the fact people dared to hurt or not injure his beloved and well respected master's adoptive son

"Oh No no it's fine really no need its fine!"
Giyuu insisted as he doesn't want to cause more drama

"U sure u don't want to take revenge?"
The demon smile sinisterly as he went closer*not a ship!!*

Giyuu slapped the demon lightly

"Chill! Chill!! I was just joking jeez!!"
Akaza said as he looked at giyuu

"S-sorry I didn't mean to!"
Giyuu said as he got up and bowed continuesly

"No no giyuu I should be the one who should be apologizing pls don't bow!!"
Akaza said as he stopped his bosses son from bowing more

"No no but I slapped u though!"
Giyuu insisted

"No it's my fault I shouldn't have went closer or even tried to persuade u!"
The pink haired demon said bowing continuesly

"No no I should be the one who's sorry!"
Giyuu also bowed

"Could u both stop bowing!?"
Muzan said as he held a stray that contained the daikon and a glass of water

"Akaza I told u to keep giyuu company not make him bow!"
The demon king said as a vein popped on his forehead

"Sorry muzan-sama"
The pink haired demon said

"Sorry father"
The ravenette said lowering his head

"It's alright Yuu it's akaza that's supposed to be sorry"
The demon king muttered out as he walked towards the ravenette that had already been sitting on the bed he proceeded to then placed the stray

"Uh-hmm father uh..when will I go back..?"
The ravenette said as he looked up at his adoptive father

"About that your not!"
Muzan said with a smile

"E-eh??, Father..What do u mean..?"
Giyuu asked his expression mixed with fear and concern hoping it wasn't what he was thinking



"Your... Staying home forever"



Hehe get Cliff hangered also I'M VERY SORRY IT'S CRINGE!
700 words only the story not including the author's note anywaz
Gudz vy 🙂


Update 741 words:3333

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now