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Before we continue the story let's dive to Giyuu's ex hus(my fictional character version of the mf rat mitsuri almost married*not obanai*)

Time line : A few years ago where Giyuu wasn't a hashira yet..


Giyuu was just walking till he past through someone familiar

A voice called out

Giyuu turned and his eyes Widen's as he sees his childhood friend Kenji

Giyuu muttered in utter shock
Kenji ran up to Giyuu and hugged him(no one, sanemi rn : Ok ok move it's My turn Kenji)

The hug broke then Kenji opened his mouth and

"Oh Giyuu where have u been?!"
Kenji said as he held giyuu by the shoulder's

"I-i.. I've been learning and training water breathing the past few years...'
Giyuu said nervously as he lied knowing he couldn't tell him the fact he'd been with his father for the past 6-7 years

"Ohhh Giyuu I've missed u you know!!"
Kenji said as he chuckled a bit

"I-i .Don't you h..hate me?"
Giyuu said his voice cracking as believing everyone back home hated and was disgusted at him

"W-Why would I be..?"
Kenji replied confused

"About the things I said to the officias..."
Giyuu said remembered all the things that happened when he was just 6-7 years old

"What! No,I was the only one who believed u Giyuu, Almost all these years I've been searching for u and along the way I became a demon slayer"
Kenji said as he straightened his back giving a warm smile

"I.. thank you Kenji..."
Giyuu said as he smiled softly

"Wanna know I miss that smile"
Kenji said as he closed his eyes and gave a light chuckle

"Now why don't we get lunch and catch up?"
He suggested

"Uh sure why not!"
Giyuu said as he was dragged by Kenji

After a few months they eventually became closer and slowly...

"Kenji? U wanted to meet me here?"
Giyuu said as he stood on top of a hill that was covered with cherry blossoms

"I.. Listen Giyuu I've been thinking about something"
Kenji said as he turned to face giyuu

"Thinking about what?"
Giyuu asked confused

"Tomioka Giyuu ever since we were kids I've always liked u and.. i-..WILL U BE MY BOYFRIEND!"
Kenji said his tone soft but then screamed the last sentences

"Kenji i-...Yes! yes yes yes!!"
Giyuu said as he hugged his "lover" and thought maybe just maybe things in his life finally became better...

For now..

Time skipp bc I'm gonna slowly start packing✨

Giyuu's Pov:

It's been 2 years since me And Kenji Started dating
I just became a hashira about 2 months before our 2nd anniversary and honestly I'm pretty happy with my life I have a "loving","kind","sweet","caring" boyfriend with a stable job and a big estate I mean it couldn't "get bad" right?(oh no now you've jinx it giyuu😭)

I called out as I entered our room only seeing a Note on the bed

I walked up and grabbed the note and began read it

*Hi love if you're reading this I'm at the same cherry blossoms I confessed to u,Dress whatever you like
Love you*

From - Your one and only Kenji

I sighed as I take a quick bath and change after a few minutes I went up and saw Kenji just standing there beside a tree

"Uh..hello Kenji?"
Giyuu called out

"Ah- love!,Come sit down here"
He offered with a smile

Giyuu sat down and looked at the starts with his "lover" and after a few minutes past the silence was broken by...

Kenji called out

Giyuu stopped as he saw his "lover" kneeling at one knee and holding a Ring

"Ever since the day I have met u I always wished to make u the happiest man in the world and I want to do it as your beloved husband, Tomioka Giyuu will u Marry me"(sanemi rn:Ok ok my turn u done already my turn get off shoo Kenji😒)

"Yes..Yes a million times yes!!"
Giyuu answered as he hugged his soon to be husband

M'kay le time skip (again😍) a year later

*Accidentally knocks sake*(<~giyuu )

"U fucking dumb bitch!!!, look at the mess u fucking made what are u, a child!?"
Kenji yelled as he took another empty bottle of sake and threw it at giyuu almost hitting giyuu in meer inches

"I-im so so sorry l-love i-"
Giyuu said as he bowed continuously tears threatening to fall

Kenji yelled once more glaring at Giyuu as he took the 2 other bottle's that we're empty and then continued to throw 1 at giyuu again as giyuu flinched followed by another one then.




Anygays since I'm done with my EBIL laugh
*DrAmAtIc CoUgHiNg NoIsE'z*

Gud vyez💅

Update:817 words

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now