Over Protective Father

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Muzan called stopping his pin pointing

Kokushibo appeared out of nowhere and spoke

What information have u gathered for me..
Muzan turned and faced Kokushibo and said

Giyuu has woken up about a week ago and has to a date with the wind pillar and has later dated him...
Kokushibo said

Muzan screamed as veins appeared as he threw a sharp knives to a picture of sanemi and his name so hard that the board split

Muzan let out a sigh and turned back to kokushibo

Muzan called out

Hai master...
Nakime answered

Transport me and Kokushibo to Giyuu's estate
Muzan said as he and Kokushibo disappeared

Master what are we-
Kokushibo was cut off by

Muzan hushed

Giyuu called out

U called me yuu?
Sanemi answered

Muzan screamed with anger and shock

What was that!?
Sanemi turned around finding the source of sound

I don't know?
Giyuu said as he stood up and looked through the window

Giyuu turned his head to Sanemi and shook his head no

Meh idc...
Sanemi said as he walked up to giyuu

Sanemi pulled giyuu by his waist and kissed him, Giyuu kissed back

*Jaw drops*HA!?
Muzan said even more shock than before

Wind pillar u thick skinned bitch how dare u....
Muzan said as many veins popped as fumes could be seen coming out his head

The kiss broke after what seemed like hrs of hell for muzan but in reality it was only 30 secs

Can I?
Sanemi said as he lowered his head to giyuu's neck as giyuu gave a nod

But- don't leave too many..
Giyuu said as sanemi went down and bit unto giyuu's neck and began marking it

Why u- u - How dare u!?
Muzan said as accidentally broke the tree in half

Good thing that Giyuu and sanemi were too busy with eachother

O-ok that's enough for today nemi
Giyuu said as he turned to face his Sanemi

Mmn fineee if that's what u want
Sanemi said as he to giyuu and kissed him

I need to go now night Yuu
Sanemi bid farewell and left

Bye nemi good night
Giyuu said as he smiled

Sanemi waved good bye and then disappeared

*Sigh* hello father..
Giyuu said as he turned around to face his father

Mind explaining yourself?
Muzan said as he crossed his arms and held his chin high

I think u know already..
Giyuu said as he eyed his father

Hm I know but tell me why him?
Muzan said awaiting an answer

I-..it's just that I..I don't know but...I rlly do love him...and he loves me to...
Giyuu said as he turned to the flowers and gifts given by sanemi

Mhm and how do u know that huh?
Muzan said as he eyed the flowers and gifts that were given by sanemi

Giyuu said as he looked down

*Sigh* It's not that i don't support u it's that..I don't want u to get hurt...
Muzan said as he hugged Giyuu

Giyuu's eyes Widen's and hugs Muzan back

Promise me to tell me if he ever hurts u..
Muzan said as he broke the hug

I-i..I promise...
Giyuu said as he smiled

I'll have to go now..Good night
Muzan said as he turned away

Good night.. father
Giyuu said


How could I get a man so.. perfect(perfect)-
Sanemi was surprised as he was "alone" yet heard someone say perfect as the same time he did

Sanemi quickly sheathed his sword as he recognized The sudden aura

Show yourself u fucking demon!!
Sanemi shouted his eyes Widen's as he sees upper moon 1 with Muzan

Tch well well if it isn't the bitch who kidnapped and-
Sanemi was cut off

Shut up u thick skinned bitch of a pillar
Muzan spoke as he walk forward

Are who are u?
Sanemi said

Kibutsuji Muzan aka the demon king..
Muzan said eyeing sanemi from head to toe

And wtf do u want with me!?
Sanemi yelled still shocked

U don't deserve him..
Muzan said coldly Sanemi's eyes wider than before asked

Sanemi yelled even louder

Tomioka Giyuu or should I say... Kibutsuji Giyuu
Muzan said grinning



Hey guys Sorry for not posting much I had to babysit my cousin as my aunt is giving birth and I'm the only one available...

Anyways sorry I didn't post much and I'm sorry for the cringe in this chapter
I deeply Apologize for anything that was offensive or other things I rlly do apologize..


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