chapter 34

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It's day 6 today for the hashira's and kamaboko squads vacation

Last night was wild for the adults

While the kids had to listen to the other's Screaming yelling laughing

Meanwhile Giyuu and Sanemi had other plans

Although mui was asleep they sanegiyuu did "it" he still woke up when everyone else other than sanegiyuu was asleep

But still sanegiyuu was still doing it

But paid no mind as he was still half-asleep


Giyuu woke up with electricuting pain from me back to his legs

Giyuu groaned from the pain

Mmn mornin love~
Sanemi greeted

Giyuu pouted as he got up but a sharp electricuting pain shot from his legs


Giyuu groaned as he layed down defeated

Hmn need any he-
Sanemi was cut off

Mitsuri paused as she saw giyuu on the fall laying down defeatedly

Mitsuri panicked as she ran to him

Oh hi uri-
Giyuu was cut off by a tight squeeze caused by mitsuri

Mui also screamed

Tanjiro yelled as he went inside to find mitsuri flustered asf while mui was pointing at giyuu

Pa!! Who bit u and why are there so many!?
Mui said as he poked a bite mark making giyuu flinch and turned red

I-its nothing mui,im fine
Giyuu said Assured Mui

Pa don't lie!! *Turns* U !!
Mui yelled and turned to sanemi

Sanemi answered

Don't Play dum u dog!! I know u bit pa!
Mui yelled at sanemi and pointed at him

First of all I'm not a fucking dog second of all I did and so what he liked it, Right love~
Sanemi said to mui then turned to his attention to giyuu and teased

Shut up!!
Giyuu red as he turned red

Hey don't talk to pa like that u dog!!!
Mui said to sanemi annoyed

Giyuu said

Oh c'mon pa just lemme roast this dog
Mui replied

No no- don't fight!
Mitsuri said

Oh c'mon pinky it's gon be fine I won't hit him
Sanemi said standing up(his shirtless only wearing his shorts)

Ew- put a shirt on first!
Mui said as he ran out

KYAA!! I'll leave u to be 2!!, C'mon tanjiro let's go!!
Mitsuri said as she grabbed tanjiro who was stunned then ran out closing the door behind them

Sanemi and Giyuu looked at eachother in silence then...

The door Burst open and out came muzan

Muzan said as he pointed at sanemi

Giyuu said as he tried to stand up but fell almost immediately luckily muzan caught him( bet your wishing that was u huh)

Looks what u did to my boy!!
Muzan yelled at sanemi then looked ta giyuu's shoulders and

Muzan screamed as loud as he can and glared at sanemi

Uh- u didn't say I couldn't u know rail him..?
Sanemi said as sweat dropped and sanemi looked away

U shameless Dog!!
Muzan yelled louder

Father calm down-
Giyuu was cut off

Calm down!? Fuck no!! Look u can't even walk because of this dog!!
Muzan yelled even more angry

Father! I said I'm Fine and stop being dramatic it's ok I'm ok!?
Giyuu said annoyed at his father's reaction as he thought Muzan was being dramatic

Tch! Lucky Yuu is here asshole
Muzan scoffed and turned his attention to Giyuu

*Sigh* is there anything u need father?
Giyuu asked

There is...3 demon's got out of my control and are hunting u down...
Muzan said as he placed his hands on giyuu's shoulder

Wh-why are they hunting me down!?
Giyuu asked muzan while sanemi listen

It's complicated...
Muzan said

Father I have to know why.. please father
Giyuu pleaded

Fine but that thing must leave us both
Muzan said as he glared at sanemi

And then I'll leave
Sanemi said as he sat up and left

So now will u tell me?
Giyuu said as he sat down on his bed

Well...U were born for a u know... Sacrifice..?
Muzan said as sweat dropped




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