chapter 44

888 14 20

Giyuu's pov:

I woke up...not sure what time it was..I think it was around 4-5 am..I don't know..

I went down to see Aoi just.. sitting there's at the kitchen..

I called out

Ah-m-mr Tomioka.. your awake..
She said as she wiped her tears

..are u ok Aoi..?
I asked as I got closer

I-im fine..
She lied

U can tell me Aoi..
I said as I pulled her into a hug..I'm not really a hugger kind of a person but it's just that I noticed Aoi doesn't have anyone like she depends on her one's there for me..

Aoi broke down in tears telling me how she thinks she isn't a demons slayer how it was just luck when she passed

How she is almost alone with no one how Kanao is better how they treat Kanao better and how she feels she's just.. there

....'s ok...I'm here..shh
I tried to comfort her

*Hic" "hic" thank Tomioka...
She said whipping her tears

Call me giyuu if you'd like..
I said as I patted her back on last time before turning to the kitchen to cook

.. giyuu..
She called out

I hummed

Uh.. could u.. train me some time..
She Shyly asked

I said with a small smile that was barely noticeable

..thank u..
She said as she stood up and walked towards me

What are u making..?
She asked

I'm making omelette's and some Curry
And's a bit rainy so hot food and soup is the best..
I said as I continued to chop the potatoes

I can help..
She said as she took an apron cut the carrots and some spices I'll ready the pot
I said as I walked a bit and bend down to open a cupboard and took a pot

She said as she started to start chopping we're things when I was gone..?
I said as I turned to Aoi who had finished chopping and was placing them into the pot

Oh..uh..mui kept crying and demanding to find u..while Tanjiro and the others were out finding u.. rengoku and uzui were with them while Kanroji shinobu and iguro were getting ready and shinobu just made some quick poisons..
She said as she turned back to me

..what did they do to u giyuu
Aoi asked which I turned to her to answer

They just.. injected me with some substances and chemicals.. but don't worry I'm fine
I said then waved my hand in a it's ok kind of way

She said

Now let's cook the omelette's and soup
I said and turned to get the other ingredients..

So.. soup or omelette's first?
I said

We heard someone say

I stuttered surprised he wasn't experimenting or with his other fam

Soup as the omelette's won't taste good if there not hot
Muzan said as he also tried to help

Ok father..
Giyuu said as he proceeded to his cooking

After a few minutes of cooking the soup was ready and soon the omelette's are also cooked while this was happening the time was 6:02 but everyone else was still asleep

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