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I woke up in a cold cell and chained up...Its been some time since the last I was in a cell and chained up...

I looked around to check my surroundings but it was dim I could barely see anything but darkness

Ojero! Look! Look the guys awake!!
I heard someone in a high pitch voice

Ugh finally
I heard someone in a deep voice

Who are u guys..
I questioned

Oh! Oh! Oh!! I'm Wexing and this is my Brother Ojero!!
Wexing introduced

What do u want from me
Giyuu said in a calm voice

We're gonna sacrifice u ok!!
Wexing said excitingly

Giyuu didn't answer infact he knew it was gonna happen anytime soon

But in the meantime Well have fun with u!!
Wexing said happily

Giyuu still didn't respond

Hey don't get us wrong but we rlly just want to be the strongest I mean like who wouldn't want to be!!
Wexing said then his head was hit with a hard smack

Tch! Shut up u piece of shit!!
Ojero yelled at Wexing

Awhhh your no fun jero!!
Wexing said

Shut up!!,now lend me the tools
Ojero yelled again then grinned evilly at the last

Wexing said as he lit up a candle and handed ojero what seemed like doctors knives and a pik

What are u gonna do to me..
Giyuu questioned

Oh! We want a taste of your brain!
Wexing said

Ok..its your anyway
Giyuu knew it was hopeless and gave in as to not cause anymore inconveniences

Oh- oh oh!and a bite of your eye!
Wexing said

Alright..I won't put up a fight..
Giyuu replied

Awhh look jero!! he gave in so quickly!!
Wexing said as he turned and lundged for giyuu's eye and took it out with a grunt from Giyuu

Ohhh his a tough one isn't he jero!!
Wexing said happily

Hm let's see...
Ojero said as he placed the tools back and took a axe lundged straight at giyuu's arm with a grunt again from Giyuu, giyuu's arm fell with a soft plop sound

Ohhh so much Beautiful Beautiful blood!!
Wexing said as he took the arm that ojero cut off

Hm oh! And Don't forget to take pieces for brain too jero!!
Wexing said as he munch on the arm

Mmm!! It's so good jero try some later!!
Wexing said

Ojero replied as he began to cut through giyuu's head while Giyuu still bottled up his emotions and tried to not think about the pain

Hrs and hrs of pure hell of torture later...

Hehe wasn't that fun!!
Wexing said as he spat out a piece of giyuu's flesh

Ojero replied a bit lighter

Oi Wexing u better finish the limbs I made me cut or else
Ojero said to wexing before he walked out

Wexing said as he turned to giyuu and grinned

Anyways thx for the food!
Wexing smiled

And Don't worry you'll regenerate your limbs!!
Wexing said as he grinned seeing Giyuu limbless body still alive though...

but just as he was about to leave giyuu regenerated his limbs in a flash

Hehe see!!
Wexing said as he imagined how he would also be like that after they sacrifice giyuu

Wexing skipped away happily

Tch..*sigh* good thing I have a high pain tolerance..good thing I wasn't wearing my haori..
Giyuu mumbled as he passed out from pure exhaustion and pain


My dream his finally coming true!!
Wexing said as he was heading down the hall till

A voice called out as Wexing came out

Ugh! Xyvin!! What were u doing!! U missed a whole torture session!!
Wexing pouted at his elder brother

... busy
Xyvin replied

U better be!!
Wexing said as he paused for a moment

Hmh..Oh and tmr bring the samples cause we finally have a test subject!!
Wexing changed his mood and left

Xyvin was cut off

No buts Vin²!!
Wexing said and disappeared

Xyvin sighed as he left for his room


Hey guys sorry if it's short
I've been busy with ping-pong and taekwondo and some other things

I Hope u guys and understand
And again sorry and thank u guys for everything

See u guy's in the next chapter bye

Book 1 Demon king's son Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now